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The first UPA alliance came to the power in ___________.
A. 1996
B. 1998
C. 2004
D. 2006

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The full form of UPA is the United Progressive Alliance. Indian National Congress is the largest member party of UPA. A coalition of centre-left political parties of India.

Complete answer: The results of the election were surprising as it was a tough competition between the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Indian National Congress as it resulted in a hung Parliament. The term hung Parliament refers to a Parliament where no party or a coalition of parties can gain a simple majority after the elections.
As a result, the UPA was founded by Sonia Gandhi, the President of the Indian National Congress, after the 14th Lok Sabha (general) elections 2004, when none of the party had won an absolute majority.
It is a coalition of centre-left political parties of India. It further formed the government with support from other left-aligned parties as well. Sonia Gandhi, leader of the Congress Party opted out of the premiership and recommended Manmohan Singh for the post. He became the Prime Minister of the first UPA alliance and continued for two consecutive terms.
Looking at the options given:
Option A – The 11th Lok Sabha (general) elections also resulted in a hung parliament. The United front was created to form the government.
Option B – In the 1998 elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party emerged as a single largest party with 182 seats out of the 543 whereas Congress won 141 seats. Thus, BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with other regional parties to form a government.
Option C – The United Progressive Alliance came in power in 2004 general elections when none of the parties gained the maximum number of votes.
Option D – The 14th Lok Sabha general election was held in 2004. This option is not applicable as the government was already in power during this time period.
Hence, option C is the correct answer, as the UPA alliance came in power in 2004.

Note: While answering the question, do not confuse yourself with different coalition groups such as the United front, UPA and NDA (National Democratic Alliance). The United Front was formed by 13 political parties after the 1996 general elections. It formed two governments in India between 1996 and 1998. Whereas the NDA was founded in 1998 and contained centre-right and right-wing parties political parties of India.