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The first weekly paper published by the INC (in 1889) was ________.
A.Young India
C.Indian people
D.Voice of India

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Dadabhai Naoroji began the paper in Bombay and later incorporated it into the Indian spectator in 1883. He started the newspaper voice of India and contributed articles to magazines and newspapers in England like commerce, the india etc.

Complete answer:
Dadabhai Naoroji started the newspaper as Voice of India. In New Delhi, Voice of India is located which concentrates in Hindu nationalist books and is one of the important tools in the development of Hindutva ideologies. Sita Ram Goel in 1981 established it in order to develop hindu triumphalist theology. Number of journalists, historians, social commentators and academicians are associated with Voice of India such as Arun shourie, David Frawley, Francois Gautier, Subhash Kak, Koenraad Elst and N.S. Rajaram, all these authors advocate hindu nationalism in various ways. Not all the authors of Voice of India are on the extreme of the Hindu nationalist spectrum.
The work is widely available in print and has an excellent typographical quality. Muslims were shown as the primary reason behind the downfall of the erstwhile Hindu glory. Anti-muslim literature was published and reprinted.

Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

Note:Hinduism is considered as the representative of Indian-ness which creates a cultural empire rather than an imperialist military driven one.Hindus are continuously asked to decolonise their minds from western schools of thought. Anders Behring Breivik was responsible for the 2011 Norway attack carried off heavily from the voice of India.