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The first weekly paper published by the INC (in 1889) was ____________.
A. Young India
B. India
C. Indian People
D. Voice of India

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The first weekly paper to be published by the INC, in 1889, was started by Dadabhai Naoraoji. Dadabhai Naoraoji, after starting the paper, incorporated the paper into the Indian Spectator.

Complete answer: Voice of India was the first weekly paper to be published by the INC and it was published in the year 1889. The paper was started by Dadabhai Naoraoji, who also incorporated the paper into the Indian Spectator. Dadabhai Naoraoji started the paper in Bombay.

Dadabhai Naoraoji used to contribute many articles to this newspaper and also to other magazines. He was also one of the leaders who used to write in English journals and magazines. Dadabhai Naoraoji is also credited with founding many other magazines and journals, one of them being Rast Goftar. Dadabhai Naoraoji is also given the nickname ‘Grand Old Man of India’.
While talking about the other options,
A. Young India, the English weekly paper or journal published by Mahatma Gandhi from 1919 to 1931 was known as Young India.
B. India, the first newspaper in India was published on 29 January 1780, and it was published by James Augustus Hicky. It was named ‘The Bengal Gazette’.
C. There was no such weekly paper like the Indian People.
Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Note: There are over 1 lakh newspapers published in India. All newspapers which are published in India are registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India. India’s newspaper market is the second largest in the entire world and Hindi-language newspapers have the largest circulation in India.