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The first woman Governor in India was ________________.
(A)Padmaja Naidu
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(C) Vijayalakshmi Pandit
(D) Sharada Mukherjee

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 382.5k
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Hint: The governor represents the so-called head while the actual authority lies with the Chief ministers of the states and his/her councils of ministers. Though, in union territories, the actual authority lies with the lieutenant governor or manager, excluding in NCT of Delhi, Puducherry and Jammu and Kashmir where he/she apportions authority with a council of ministers ruled by a chief minister.

Complete answer:
Sarojini Naidu was an Indian political campaigner and writer. An exponent of civil rights, women's manumission, and anti-imperialist philosophies, she was a significant dignitary in India's fight for independence from the colonial decree. Naidu's work as a writer won her the nickname 'the Nightingale of India', or 'Bharat Kokila'. Born in a Bengali family in Hyderabad, Naidu was schooled in Madras, London and Cambridge. Subsequent to her time in England, where she operated as a suffragist, she was tugged to Indian National Congress' crusade for India's independence from British rule. She became a part of the Indian nationalist crusade and became a supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and his impression of Swaraj. She was picked the President of the Indian National Congress in 1925 and later turned into the Governor of the United Provinces in 1947, turning into the principal female to get a handle on the workplace of Governor in the Dominion of India.

Thus, option (B) is correct.

Note: Naidu perished of cardiac arrest on March 2, 1949, at the Government House in Lucknow. Upon her arrival from New Delhi on 15th February, she was counselled to uphold by her doctors, and all official schedules were annulled. Her well-being worsened considerably and the altercation was accomplished on the evening of 1st March after she nit-picked a grave headache. She perished after falling down ensuing a fit of cough. She afterwards died, and her last cremations were executed at the Gomati River.