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The following five sentences form a paragraph. The first and the last sentence are given. Choose the order in which the three sentences (PQR) should appear to complete the paragraph.
S1: Rajiv wanted to become a doctor.
S2: ___________________________________
S3: ___________________________________
S4: ___________________________________
S5: He put away enough money to pay his first year's fees.
P: They could not afford the fees.
Q: Undaunted, he pursued a job in the dockyard.
R: However, he came from a poor family.

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 447.6k
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Hint: We know that Rajiv wanted to become a doctor but he couldn’t become one, because he hailed from a poor family.

Complete answer:

As given in the hint, we know that Rajiv belonged to a poor family and it was impossible for him to afford the fees for further studies, as he had already paid a large amount for his first year’s fees. Hence, he had to take up a job in the dockyard.
Let’s examine the given options:
a)PQR- The formation of the given option is incorrect, as it expresses an incomplete meaning. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
b)QPR- There is no cause-effect relationship between the given sentences. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
c)PRQ- The given sentences illustrate an incomplete and illogical thought. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
d)RPQ- The given sentences express a complete meaning and maintain the flow of continuity. Hence, it is the correct option.
The correct answer is Option ‘d’.

Note: Before you begin solving the question, read the given sentences, and comprehend their meaning.