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The manifestation of band structure in solids is due to:
A) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
B) Pauli’s exclusion principle
C) Bohr’s correspondence principle
D) Boltzmann’s law

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The band structure in the solids depends on the number of electrons in each subshell. Among the given options, the principle which describes the subshell configuration will be the answer. The band structure is different for different conditions.

Complete answer:
Let’s know more about Pauli’s exclusion principle. According to that principle, more than two electrons can be placed in an orbit and those two electrons would have opposite spin and are antiparallel. This principle will help us to describe how the electrons are arranged in the atoms or molecules. Thus, the band structure in the solids can be easily understood. The valence band and the valence electrons can be studied using this principle. And using this principle we can understand the chemical bonding inside the atom. Thus, we can classify according to the characteristics of the atom.
The electronic shell structure thus studied using the Pauli’s exclusion principle will help to identify and classify the atoms in the periodic table. Thus, the atoms which can donate electrons and accept electrons are easily identified. Whenever the atom accepts an electron, it goes to the outermost shell. And according to Paul's exclusion principle, if one electron has the spin up state and the other would have a spin down state.
Thus, the manifestation of band structure in solids is due to Pauli’s exclusion principle.

The answer is option B.

Note: We know that this principle is applied to those particles having half integers. And the principle cannot apply to the electrons. It describes only the behavior of electrons. The two or more same fermions will not occupy the same quantum states.