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The path followed by a projectile is called its
A) Trajectory
B) Range
C) Amplitude
D) None of these

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: A projectile is a motion that occurs when an object is thrown by the exertion of a force. We can also define a projectile as an object that is launched into space and allowed to move completely free under the influence of gravity and air resistance only.

Complete answer:
Trajectory: The term trajectory is related to projectile motion. A trajectory also is known as the flight path is the path that an object with a defined mass in motion follows through space as a function of time. In classical mechanics, we can define trajectory by Hamiltonian mechanics with the help of canonical coordinates. Hence, a complete trajectory is defined by momentum and position, simultaneously.
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Hence option (A) trajectory is the correct option.

Additional Information:
Range: The range of the projectile is the displacement of the object thrown in the horizontal direction. No acceleration acts in this direction since gravity is the only force acting vertically.
Amplitude: It is the maximum distance or displacement that is moved by a point on a vibrating body or it is the measure of a wave from its equilibrium position. It is equal to half of the length of the vibration path.

Note: Amplitude is not a factor that is seen in projectile motion as the body does not follow a to and fro motion. The other two factors range and trajectory are seen in projectile motion. The range is the distance covered by the object and trajectory is the path.