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The recent techniques used for separating fragments of DNA are:
A. Northern Blotting
B. Southern Blotting
C. Eastern Blotting
D. Western Blotting

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Hint:-Gel electrophoresis is a method used to isolate DNA fragments as indicated by their size. DNA tests are stacked into wells (spaces) toward one side of a gel, and an electric flow is applied to get them through the gel. DNA molecules are negatively charged, so they move towards the positive electrode.

Complete step-by-step solution:-
- Smearing methods were created to separate parts of nucleic acids. These procedures include a few cycles; electrophoresis is one of the cycles and is utilized to isolate sections of DNA and RNA.
- In Southern smudging (named after Edward Southern) limitation chemicals cut parts of DNA are isolated by AGE or PAGE, moved to a film or blotch, and envisioned by hybridization with named tests.
- Northern smearing isolates RNA. RNA atoms are shorter and have characterized lengths; cutting by limitation compounds isn't needed.
- Western smearing doesn't separate nucleic acids; it isolates proteins in a blend. The proteins are generally isolated with PAGE, moved to the film and imagined with a marked counteracting agent against the proteins of interest.
- The eastern smudge is a biochemical method used to break down protein post-translational changes, for example, lipids,phosphates, and glycoconjugates. Along these lines, Eastern smearing can be viewed as an expansion of the biochemical procedure of Western smudging.
Hence, the right answer is alternative B.

- Blotting is a procedure for moving DNA, RNA, and proteins onto a transporter so they can be isolated, and regularly follows the utilization of a gel electrophoresis.
- The Southern Blot is utilized for moving DNA.
- The Northern smear for RNA and the western blot for PROTEIN.
- Eastern smudging method is sometimes used to detect epitopes of carbohydrate molecules.