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The revolutionary journalist Jean-Paul Marat Published the newspaper L‘Ami du peuple, which means _____________.
a. The friend of the people
b. The leader of the people
c. The king of the people
d. Enemy of the people
e. None of the these

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint: On the eve of the French Revolution, he took up his profession as a scientist and doctor for the Third Estate. In January 1789 he published his Offrande à la Patrie, which touched on some of the points that had become the popular "What is the Third Estate" of Abbé Sieyès.

Complete solution:
Jean-Paul Marat –
Jean-Paul Marat was a French political theorist, medical scientist, and journalist during the French Revolution, from 24 May 1743 to 13 July 1793.
He was a formidable defender and a clear radical voice for the Sans-Culottes. In pamphlets, posters and newspapers he published his opinions.
He was an unofficial bond with the radical Jacobin party that came to power after June 1793 with his journal, L'Ami du Peuple (Friend of the People).
Charlotte Corday who was executed two days later assassinated Marat.
L‘Ami du people –
The Friend of the Citizens was a journal published during the Franco-French Revolution by Jean-Paul Marat.
According to Jeremy D. Popkin, L'Ami du peuple was a vocal advocate for the interests of the lower classes against Marat, who he considered enemies of the people and whom he did not hesitate to name in his writings.
 "The most popular radical paper for the revolution" These papers have been deemed dangerous because aggressive and rebellious conduct has also come to light.
In his journal L'Ami du, which means "friend of the people," he published his views that brought him closer to the then revolutionaries known as Jacobins.

Hence, the correct answer is option A.

Jean-Paul Marat, as a revolutionary martyr, became a symbol for the Jacobins: "O heart of Jesus, o sacred heart of Marat."
He wrote about fire, flame, electricity and light. He has published in Découvertes de Marat sur le feu, l'électricité et la lumière a description of his science. Marathon on fire, power and light in 1779 (English: Mr Marat's Discoveries on Fire, Electricity and Light). he published three more systematic and informative works on each of its research areas.