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The term vaccine was introduced by
A. Jenner
B. Koch
C. Pasteur
D. Both B and C

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: An English physician and a scientist who pioneered the concept of vaccines and vaccination. He discovered the first smallpox vaccine. The term vaccine means variola vaccine, it denotes cowpox.

Complete answer: A biological preparation that induces active acquired immunity for a particular disease is known as a vaccine. It contains a biological agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism. The microorganism is usually weakened or attenuated. The biological agent can stimulate or induce the immune system then, the immune system recognizes the disease-causing agent as a threat to destroy it. The immune system further recognizes and destroys the microorganisms that are associated with the agent that it may encounter in the future.
Edward Jenner coined the term vaccine and vaccination. It is derived from the cow smallpox. Edward Jenner is well known for his contribution to the eradication of smallpox and immunization. In 1790, he created the world’s first vaccine for smallpox. He discovered a vaccine for smallpox for combating a primitive form of vaccination known as variolation. He was born when the patterns of British medical practice were undergoing a gradual change.
Hence, the correct option is (A)-Jenner.

Note: Edward Jenner developed the first smallpox vaccine by isolating smallpox-causing microorganism from lesions and inoculating it into an eight-year-old boy who had never had smallpox. Then, after several days, he again inoculated the boy and observed that no disease had developed and protection was complete.