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The weight of the skin is:
A. 10 Kg
B. 7 Kg
C. 2 Kg
D. Half of the body weight.

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 390.3k
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Hint: Skin comprises mesoderm cells, skin pigments like melanin and protects from ultraviolet rays of the sun. Skin also contains some pigments which are responsible for DNA repair mechanisms and protects from the disease like skin cancer. It also contains sweat glands, blood vessels, dead cells, and nerve endings.

Complete answer:
Skin is the protective layer of the organisms which helps in fighting germs, protects from sunlight, and provides insulation (maintain body temperature).
Skin is made up of three layers, that is, the epidermis which is made up of keratinocytes, dermis, and subcutaneous fat. Here, is one diagram to show elements of the skin:
seo images

There are so many functions:
Sensation: Skin contains many nerve endings due to which it helps in the sensation of heat or cold shocks, touch, pressure, and tissue injury.
Heat regulation: Blood vessels present in the skin helps in the better regulation of body temperature by preventing heat loss by radiation.
Excretion: Sweating helps in the removal of urea approximately, 1/30th of the total urine produced in the body.
The weight of the total skin of the adult individual is approximately 9-10 Kg. Thus, the option ‘A’ is the correct option.

Note: Surface area of the total skin is the largest organ in the human body, approximately 1.5-2.0 square meters. And the thickness of the skin varies over all parts of the body between males, females, and children. The epidermis layer is made up of cells which divide through the mitosis cell division method.