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Two diseases caused due to deficiency of proteins in the diet of a child are

Last updated date: 16th Sep 2024
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Proteins are one of the essential nutrients which are required in abundance for the body’s growth and development. Proteins also function as fuel sources. It functions as the building blocks for muscles The deficiency of proteins causes many negative effects on the body.

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The deficiency in proteins, due to insufficient protein in the diet and also due to some metabolic defects, can lead to muscle wasting. The most common diseases as a result of protein deficiency are Kwashiorkor and Marasmus.
Kwashiorkor is a protein deficiency disease that is manifested as edema and liver enlargement. Fatty infiltrations are also present. The disease is caused by deficiency caused due to less protein intake. It is mainly caused due to famine. The child affected by this disease has edema causing swollen feet and ankles. The child will have an abdomen which is distended, fatty liver, thinned down hair, dermatitis, and loss of teeth. These children would have anorexia, which is a loss of appetite, and gets irritable.
Marasmus also is a dietary disorder when the utilization of protein exceeds the intake amount. Unlike kwashiorkor, it can affect both adults and children. The individuals affected by this disease are those who take a protein-deficient diet, having malabsorption syndrome that causes abnormal uptake of nutrients. The individuals will have a low Body-Mass Index. Causes retarded growth. Bones get more visible and the skin starts folding. The individuals will also be immunocompromised. The individuals can also get rapid infections and also diarrhea can be present.

There are several other vitamin deficiency disorders. Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night blindness, similarly, vitamin B causes Ber-Beri, C causes Scurvy, and vitamin D deficiency causes rickets. And deficiency of Vitamin K causes bleeding disorders.