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What is a bicarpellary ovary?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The ovary is a part of the female reproductive organ of the flowering plants. It contains the ovules and is present as a part of the pistil. The pistil is made up of one carpel or several joined carpels. The style and the stigma is located above the ovary, which is where the pollen lands and germinates. Ovary can be classified into many types based on its position, pistils, cohesion and placentation.

Complete explanation:
The gynoecium may contain more than one pistil. If it contains two pistils it is called bicarpellary ovary. If more than one pistil is present and they are fused together, then it is called syncarpous. If the pistils are free, it is called apocarpous.
Fertilization needs to take place for ovules to become seeds. Fertilization occurs when pollen lands on the sticky surface of stigma. Pollen travels through the style and lands on the bicarpellary ovary to combine with the ovule. After this the ovule becomes seeds and the bicarpellary ovary becomes fruit.
Pollination is facilitated by biotic and abiotic pollinators. When biotic pollinators such as bees, butterflies etc collect nectar from the flower, they drop pollen on the stigma. Heavy winds help the pollen to break free from the anther and land on the stigma. These pollinators also help in cross pollination. They carry pollen from one flower and drop into the stigma of another flower. Cross-pollination gives rise to variation.

Ovary can also be classified as superior ovary and inferior ovary. The superior ovary is the ovary that is attached with a receptacle. This attachment is just above the floral parts of the flower. The superior ovary gives rise to fleshy fruits for example berries and drupes. Inferior ovary is present below the attachment of the petals and stamens. For example, fruits like apples and cherries develop from inferior ovaries.