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What is a herbarium?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Herbarium is a collection of whole plants or plant parts. The data associated with it is used for scientific study.

Complete answer: The collection of various preserved plant specimens along with associated data is called a herbarium. It is used for scientific study. Basically it is a collection of pressed, dried, and labeled plant specimens on the herbarium sheet.
Whole plants or plant parts may be used as specimens. The specimens, in dried form, are mounted on an "exsiccatae" (herbarium sheet). Not all are kept on a sheet; some are also stored in boxes or kept in alcohol or other preservatives.
Herbarium specimens are generally used as a reference while describing particular plant taxa.
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The data associated with herbarium is used for scientific study. The plant parts or specimens are arranged according to a classification scheme. The data include details about plant abundance, locations, habitat, and flowering and fruiting periods.

Additional information: Types of Herbarium:
1. National (or Regional) Herbaria: These herbaria geographically surround respective countries, or phyto geographically similar to other countries.
2. Local Herbaria: These represent a place within a country such as a state, county, district, or even a smaller region such as a nature reserve.
3. Special Herbaria.

Note: When preparing a herbarium, plant specimens are collected by a field visit. Then it is spread upon a blotting sheet to soak moisture and then placed in the press for drying. Upon drying, the specimen is mounted over a herbarium sheet. Then labeling is done and kept for use.