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What is a ubiquitous resource?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Natural resources are often defined because of the resources that exist (on the planet) independent of human actions. These are the resources that are found within the environment and are developed without the intervention of humans. Common samples of natural resources include air, sunlight, water, soil, stone, plants, animals, and fossil fuels.

Complete answer:
Natural resources are present materials that are useful to man or might be useful under conceivable technological, economic, or social circumstances or supplies drawn from the world, supplies like food, building and clothing materials, fertilizers, metals, water, and geothermal power. For an extended time, natural resources were the domain of the natural sciences.

Distribution of the world’s most vital natural resources. Other resources include natural resources like copper, gold, and diamonds, energy resources like gas, oil, and uranium, also as agricultural and logging natural resources.

Natural resources also are categorized as supported distribution: Ubiquitous resources are found everywhere (e.g., air, light, water). Sunlight is present at most of the places within the world and on the land. So it is often considered a Ubiquitous resource. Localized resources are natural resources only found in certain places.

Note: Minerals, forest products, water, and soil are just a couple of the natural resources that citizenry use to supply energy and make use of things. Within a couple of years or decades, certain natural resources are often replicated. These are mentioned as renewable resources. Living things need the land’s water, air, and energy, and that they sleep in places with the items they have. For all they are doing, humans use natural resources.