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What is autogamy and geitonogamy?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Autogamy is a self-fertilization. It is a fusion of two gametes, which come from the same individual. It is a predominant form of self-pollination. It is a reproductive mechanism of flowering plants and some protists. E.g. Paramecium aurelia. Geitonogamy is also a type of self-fertilization. It does not happen on the same flower, but happens on different flowers on the same plant. E.g. Cucurbita maxima.

Complete answer
Both Geitonogamy and autogamy are types of self-pollination, which is required for double fertilization. Autogamy is represented by the transfer of pollen grain to the stigma from the anther in the same flower. Geitonogamy is represented by the transfer of pollen grain from the anther to the stigma of some other flower of the same plant. The pollinating agents are wind, bats, water, insects, birds and animals.
Autogamy does not require a pollinating agent, whereas geitonogamy always requires a pollinating agent. Autogamy is a type of self-fertilization, while geitonogamy is a type of functionally cross pollination.
There are some differences between autogamy and geitonogamy

Type of pollinationSelf-pollinationGenetically self-pollination, but functionally cross-pollination
AdaptationFavored before the opening of flowerOn a single stem, presence of multiple flowers
Pros and ConsNo energy wastageEnergy wasted on pollinating attractants
ExamplesSunflowers, Tridax, orchidsCorn, maize

Some similarities are present between autogamy and geitonogamy. They are as follows:
1. Both are self-pollination processes.
2. Both occur in flowering plants.
3. In both cases, identical offspring to parents are obtained.
4. Both occur in the same plant.
5. Both do not contribute to evolution as they produce genetically identical progenies.