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What is binary fission?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 348k
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Hint: As we know that in biology, fission refers to the splitting of a single entity into two or more parts and the replication of those parts into new entities that are similar to the original. Fission generally refers to how cells split into discrete parts, but it may also refer to how individuals, bodies, populations, or species split into discrete parts.

Complete answer:
We also remember that the binary fission is asexual reproduction in which the body is split into two new ones.
Binary fission occurs when an organism duplicates its genetic material, or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and then splits into two sections (cytokinesis), each obtaining one copy of DNA.
We must know that the binary fission is the most common way for prokaryotic species to reproduce. Binary fission in protists is also classified as transverse or longitudinal, depending on the direction of cell separation. In certain species, such as tapeworms and scyphostome polyps, regular transverse fission is referred to as strobilation.

We also remember that the majority of bacteria depend on binary fission to reproduce. In theory, this is a simple process: a cell must expand to twice its original size before splitting in half. A bacterium must divide at the right time, in the right place, and provide each offspring with a full copy of its essential genetic material to remain viable and competitive. Bacterial cell division is being studied in a number of research labs around the world. These studies are aimed at figuring out the genetic mechanisms that control and drive bacterial cell division.