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What is deficiency disease?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Deficiency disease occurs due to lack of essential nutrients, Vitamins, minerals in the human body. Different diseases like scurvy, rickets, osteoporosis occur due to deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Complete answer:
A deficiency disease is defined as the disease which is caused by the lack of essential nutrients and dietary fibres such as minerals and vitamins in the body. Deficiency disease examples: lack of iron in the body can lead to anaemia.
-Vitamin deficiency: It is the condition when there is a lack of vitamins in the body. If there is less intake of vitamin then it is called primary deficiency and if the reason behind the deficiency is malabsorption of vitamins due to disorder, it is called secondary deficiency.
Mineral deficiency: Minerals are nutrients which the body requires to function properly. The mineral deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t obtain or absorb the required amount of mineral.

Different vitamin deficiency diseases are: -Thiamine or vitaminB1 causes beriberi disease with the symptoms like weight loss, weakness and pain in limbs.
-Riboflavin or vitaminB2 causes inflammation in the corner of the mouth, cracked lips or it can even cause anaemia.
-Niacin or vitamin B3 causes pellagra which is a life threatening disease.
-Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy and symptoms include bleeding gums etc.
-Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to pernicious anaemia.

There are many deficiencies caused by different vitamins like Vitamin A, D, K and many more. Different mineral deficiency diseases:
-Calcium Deficiency leads to decrease in the calcium density in bones which may result in osteopenia.
-Iron deficiency causes anaemia. The symptoms include weakness, tiredness etc.
-Zinc deficiency causes lack of taste, smell and appetite. It decreases the functioning of the immune system.
-Iodine deficiency can lead to goitre. The major sign is the swelling at the base of the neck.
-Sodium deficiency is also called hyponatremia and it arises from excessive fluid loss. It occurs due to severe dehydration.
There are many mineral deficiency diseases like underdeveloped teeth, hearing problems, night blindness etc due to lack of essential minerals.

Note: Vitamin and mineral deficiency can be prevented if we maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. It can be achieved by:
-Including mineral and vitamin rich food in the diet.
-Eating simple and wholesome foods like soybeans, pulse
-Including mineral and vitamin supplements.
-Vitamin in food denatures if the cook is overcooked so don’t cook for long hours.