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What is Dumping?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The word dumping means to discard, dispose or deposit the waste material. Dumping is a type of disposal of waste. The garbage produced is disposed of in different ways. The method used for disposal is based on the nature of the waste.

Complete answer:
The disposal of waste by discarding the garbage in low-lying areas of ground is called dumping. The solid waste produced is disposed of by the dumping method.
Solid waste refers to everything that goes into the trash. These wastes include plastics, glass, metals, rubber, leather, electronic waste (e-waste) which includes electronic goods, etc.
Dumping can be done in two ways-
Open dumping- In this type of dumping, garbage is dumped in deep depressions or trench. They are not covered by soil. The open dumping sites are breeding grounds for many disease-causing vectors.
Landfills- The disposal of waste by putting it in a trench or depression and covering it with the earth is called a landfill. Most of the solid waste that is produced in urban areas is disposed of by the landfill method. After dumping the ground is covered with earth to level the uneven ground.
Dumping is not the best method for disposal of waste because the chemicals present in them can seep underground which can pollute the soil and can reach the underground water table thus polluting water resources.

Disposal of waste should be done in a scientific way.
All the waste generated by humans can be categorized into three types-
Bio-degradable- The waste that can be degraded easily by the decomposers. Example- Leaves, fruits and vegetable peels.
Recyclable- The waste that can be recycled. Example- Paper, Plastic, Metals, etc.
Non-biodegradable- The waste that can’t be degraded by decomposers. Example- Plastic.