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What is Grafting?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 321.9k
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Hint: Plants can propagate themselves through vegetative means. The same attribute is used for commercial value and by passionate gardeners who are well-versed in their plants. Plants do not always require seeds to grow. Grafting and budding, among other methods of vegetative propagation, aid in the growth of new plants from the vegetative parts of older plants. It is a method of reproduction that is not sexual.

Complete answer:
Plant reproduction involving human intervention is known as artificial vegetative propagation. Cutting, layering, grafting, suckering, and tissue culturing are the most common artificial vegetative reproductive techniques.
Grafting is a technique in which the cambium of one plant's shoot is attached to the cambium bearing stump of another plant via various unions such as wedge and tongue grafting. In grafting, the union of scion and stock results in a callus, which is an undifferentiated cluster of cells.
As a result, in grafting, the formation of callus is the first step in establishing a connection between the scion and the stock. The cambium is the most common source of callus.
A shoot of the desired plant cultivar is grafted onto the stock of another type in stem grafting, a common grafting method. Bud grafting is a common method of grafting a dormant side bud onto the stem of another stock plant, and after it has successfully inoculated, it is encouraged to grow by pruning the stock plant's stem just above the newly grafted bud.

Grafting is the quickest way to grow popular, desirable fruiting tree and flowering shrub varieties on a large scale.Many commercially valuable plants are difficult to propagate using other methods such as cutting and layering, but they thrive when grafted.