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What is ten percent law?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: In an ecosystem, a food chain is the series of events in which one living organism eats another, which is subsequently devoured by a larger organism. A food chain is the movement of nutrients and energy from one creature to another at different trophic levels.
The feeding pattern or relationship between living species is also explained by the food chain. In a food chain, the trophic level refers to the order in which producers, primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers appear, with producers at the bottom and primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers at the top. A trophic level is the lowest level in a food chain.

Complete answer:
Raymond Lindemann established the ten percent law of energy transfer in a food chain.
When energy is moved from one trophic level to another, the ten percent law of energy transfer stipulates that. Only ten percent of energy transfers to the next trophic level, and only ten percent of that energy level transmits to the next energy, resulting in a significant reduction in energy until it reaches the highest trophic level.
Consider the most basic food chain: Grass →Rabbit →Fox → Lion
The food chain is divided into four trophic levels. Grass is found at the producer level and is the first trophic stage. It has the most energy, receives solar energy, and consumes just a little percentage of it in food preparation, and rabbit forms the fourth trophic level and receives ten percent of its energy from rabbit.
As the trophic level rises, the amount of energy available decreases. The lower trophic level receives the least quantity of energy, while the highest trophic level receives the most.

Animals discover food along a single path in a food chain. A food web, on the other hand, depicts the various paths by which plants and animals are linked. Multiple food chains create a food web.
A single item is consumed by an organism in a food chain, whereas numerous items are consumed by an organism in a food web. There is a single path for energy flow in a food chain, but there are multiple paths for energy flow in a food web.