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What is the biggest ecosystem?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Ecosystems are the structural and functional units of ecology in which living organisms interact with one another and with their surroundings. An ecosystem, in other words, is a series of interactions between organisms and their surroundings. A.G. Tansley, an English botanist, coined the term "ecosystem" in 1935.

Complete answer:
An ecosystem is made up of all the organisms that interact with each other as well as the physical environment in which they live. Nutrient cycles and energy flows link these biotic and abiotic components together. Photosynthesis brings energy into the system, which is incorporated into plant tissue.
An ecosystem can be as small as a desert oasis or as large as an ocean that stretches thousands of miles. Ecosystems are divided into two categories:
Terrestrial Ecosystem: Terrestrial ecosystems are those that are entirely based on land. Different types of terrestrial ecosystems can be found in different geological zones. The following are the details:
1. Forest Ecosystems
2. Grassland Ecosystems
3. Tundra Ecosystems
4. Desert Ecosystem
Aquatic Ecosystem: Ecosystems found in bodies of water are known as aquatic ecosystems. These are further subdivided into two categories:
1. Freshwater Ecosystem
2. Marine Ecosystem
The oceans are home to the world's largest ecosystem. They make up 71% of the earth's surface. An ecosystem is a biosphere functional unit in which organisms and their surroundings interact. Numerous organisms and aquatic plants call them home.

Thus, the biggest ecosystem is the oceans.

The ecosystem's functions are as follows
1. It maintains ecological balance by regulating critical ecological processes, supporting life systems, and ensuring stability.
2. It's also in charge of nutrient cycling between biotic and abiotic components.
3. It helps to keep the ecosystem's various trophic levels in check.
4. Minerals are cycled through the biosphere.
5. The abiotic components aid in the synthesis of organic compounds.