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What is the shearing angle?

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint: Shearing strain or shearing angle: It is defined as the ratio of angle \[\theta \] by which there is a relative displacement \[\Delta x\] between the opposite face of the object, because of tangential force acting on it as shown in the figure below.
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Shearing strain is generally caused because of two parallel forces acting in opposite directions.

Complete step by step solution:
When there is only change in the shape of an object due to tangential force the sharing angle for such deformation is expressed as
Shearing angle $ = \dfrac{\Delta x}{L} = \theta $
For such deformation, there is no change in the length \[L\] or volume of an object.
It is a dimensionless quantity.

Additional information:
Strain is defined as the ratio of change in length or volume or shape of an object because of an external force acting on a unit area.
Apart from shearing strain we also have longitudinal and volume stains and their definition are as follows
Longitudinal strain: it is defined as the change in length \[\Delta L\] of an object (cylindrical object) to its original length \[L\].
i.e., Longitudinal strain $ = \dfrac{\Delta L}{L}$
Volume strain: The strain produced by compressive stress is called volume strain and it is defined as the change in volume \[\Delta V\] of an object (cylindrical object) to its original volume \[V\] .
i.e., Volume strain $ = \dfrac{\Delta V}{V}$

Shearing angle is generally used to measure the deformation caused because of an external force acting on it tangentially.
And the exact formula for shearing strain is given as
$\dfrac{\Delta x}{L} = \tan \theta $
Here \[\tan \theta \] is considered as \[\theta \] since the shift in angle is considered very small for our simplicity.
And its unit is Radian or degree.