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Which ecosystem has the highest biodiversity?

Last updated date: 18th Sep 2024
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Hint: The biological variety and variability of life on Earth is referred to as biodiversity. Biodiversity is a term that refers to genetic, species, and ecological variation. Because of the warm environment and high primary production, terrestrial biodiversity is generally higher near the equator. Biodiversity is not uniformly spread over the globe, and it is more abundant in the tropics. These tropical forest ecosystems occupy less than ten percent of the earth's area but house nearly all of the world's species.

Complete answer:
A coral reef is an underwater environment that is characterised by corals that create reefs. Coral polyp colonies are kept together by calcium carbonate to produce reefs. The majority of coral reefs are made up of stony corals, which have polyps that cluster together. Coral is a member of the Anthozoa class of the Cnidaria animal kingdom, which also contains sea anemones and jellyfish. Corals create strong carbonate exoskeletons that support and protect the coral, unlike sea anemones. Most reefs thrive in water that is warm, shallow, transparent, bright, and agitated. At the start of the Early Ordovician, 485 million years ago, coral reefs displaced the Cambrian's microbial and sponge reefs.
Tourism, fishing, and coastal protection all benefit from coral reef ecosystem services. Coral reefs have a worldwide economic worth of between US \[ \$30–375\] billion and US \[ \$9.9\] trillion each year. Coral reefs are delicate, in part due to their sensitivity to water conditions. Excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), increasing temperatures, ocean acidification, overfishing (e.g., blast fishing, cyanide fishing, dive spearfishing), sunscreen usage, and hazardous land-use practises, such as runoff and seeps, are all threatening them (e.g., from injection wells and cesspools).

Coral reefs are among the most productive ecosystems on the planet, producing complex and diverse marine habitats that sustain a diverse spectrum of different creatures. Mangrove forests at high tide level and seagrass meadows in between have a mutually beneficial relationship: the reefs protect the mangroves and seagrass from strong currents and waves that would damage or erode the sediments in which they are rooted, while the mangroves and seagrass protect the coral from large influxes of silt, fresh water, and pollution.