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Which Indian scientist won the Nobel prize in 1968 for demonstrating how the nucleotides in nucleic acid control the synthesis of proteins?
(a) Satyendra Nath Bose
(b) A.P.J Abdul Kalam
(c) S.S. Abhyankar
(d) Har Gobind Khorana

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 414.6k
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Hint: The Nobel prizes are given by Swedish and Norwian institute for recognition of academic, cultural or scientific advances. These are sets of annual international awards.

Complete step by step solution:
Nucleic acid is a chemical compound which is capable of breaking down to phosphoric acid, sugars and mixture of organic bases. By the process of protein synthesis, they carry molecules of the cell. Nucleic acids determine the inherited characteristic of every living thing. Nucleic acid contains DNA and RNA. DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA means ribonucleic acid. DNA is necessary for all living organisms. It constitutes the genetic material, and is the master blueprint for life. RNA is also found in all living cells. It has an important role in making proteins.
Nucleotides are identical building blocks which form nucleic acids. Nucleotides contain nitrogen having aromatic base attached to pentose sugar is combined with phosphate group.
There are four types of Nucleotide which DNA contains are adenine, thymine, Guanine and cytosine.
During protein synthesis RNA messenger carries the instruction from DNA that defines the correct order of amino acids. In the protein synthesis the information stored in DNA into RNA by the process of transcription, has three distinct roles in protein synthesis. These steps are imitation, elongation and termination for every living organism proteins are necessary for growth and other activities. So protein synthesis helps to make protein, which is responsible for all cell structure in function.
Har Gobind Khorana was an Indian American biochemist. He was born in January 1922 in Raipur, Pakistan and died on 9 November 2011 in the United states. He got many awards in the field of science and research. He was known for his construction of the first synthetic gene and renowned research in nucleic acids and protein.
So he got nobel prize in 1968 for demonstrating the nucleotides in nucleic acids control the synthesis of protein.

So, option D is the right answer

Note: Other scientists got other prizes in the different fields. But out of them only Har Gobind Khorana got the Nobel Prize in this specific field of NUCLEIC ACIDS.