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Which is not a neuroglial cell?
A. Oligodendrocyte
B. Microglia
C. Astrocyte
D. Chondrocyte

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 386.7k
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Hint: Neuroglia are located in the nervous systems of invertebrates as well as vertebrates. These neuroglial cells can be distinguished from neurons by their lack of axons and the presence of only one type of process. They also do not make synapses, and they show the ability to divide throughout their lifespan.

Complete Answer:
Neurons and neuroglial cells are located side-by-side and there are no direct junctions, such as gap junctions, between them. Gap junctions do not show existence between neuroglial cells. Glia, also termed as glial cells or neuroglia, are non- neuronal cells that are located in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system that do not produce electrical impulses. In the central nervous system, glial cells comprise of oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, ependymal cells, and microglia, and in the peripheral nervous system glial cells include Schwann cells and satellite cells.

Now let us find solution from given options:
- Oligodendrocyte: These are kind of neuroglial cells and these help to form the myelin sheath across the neurons.
- Microglia: Microglial cells can be converted into a special type of macrophage, which can clear up the neuronal debris. They are also a kind of neuroglial cells.
- Astrocyte: Astrocytes are the neuroglial cells that support the neurons and anchor them to their nutrient supply lines. They also have an important role in making exchanges between capillaries and neurons.
- Chondrocyte: These are the cells that are present in cartilage.

So, our required option is D that is Chondrocyte.

Note: The Italian biologist Emilio Lugaro gave the concept that neuroglial cells exchange substances with the extracellular fluid and by this exert control on the neuronal environment. For instance, after high levels of neuronal activity, neuroglial cells can take up and spatially buffer potassium ions and thus maintain normal neuronal function.