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Which of the following is the biggest commercial center of South India?
A. Mumbai
B. Chennai
C. Visakhapatnam
D. Madurai

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 384.6k
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Hint: The biggest commercial center of South India is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. The city is also home to the famous Foret St George.

Complete Anwer:The biggest commercial center of South India is Chennai. The biggest cultural, economic and educational center of South India is Chennai. Banking, healthcare, communication and power are all well developed in this city which is present very near the shore of the Bay of Bengal.

The Fort St. George dates back its history to the year 1644 and it is now a museum and it showcases many things as it used to be a trading post of the East India Company.

It is the sixth most populous city and the fourth most populous urban agglomeration in India according to the 2011 census. The Chennai Metropolitan Area constitutes the city and the adjoining regions and it is the 36th largest urban area by population in the world.

Option A - Mumbai - It is the capital of Maharashtra and it is the largest city of India.

Option C - Visakhapatnam - It is an industrial center and a port city in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

Option D - Madurai - It is a city in the state of Tamil Nadu and it is on the Vaigai river.

Therefore the correct answer is option B.

Note: An area which is primarily composed of commercial buildings is known as a commercial center or a commercial area. It is a very important area for a community’s economy as it provides employment, facilitates circulation of money and serves many other goals.