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Which of the following is the east-flowing river of the peninsula?
A) Tapi
B) Narmada
C) Mahanadi
D) None of the above

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 325.8k
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Hint: A peninsula is a landform that extends from the mainland and is surrounded by water on most of its borders. Although not always labelled as a single body of water, the surrounding water is commonly considered to be continuous. Within the (nearly complete) loop of water, a river that runs through a very narrow meander is sometimes said to form a "peninsula".

Complete answer:
The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery, Narmada, and Tapti or Tapi are among India's peninsular rivers. They together drain a large section of rural India. In the life of Indians, these rivers have religious and cultural significance.

Let us analyze the given options:
Option A: This is not the correct option because Tapi is a west-flowing river of Peninsular plateau. The river's source is the East Satpura Mountain Ranges in Madhya Pradesh's south. The river flows into the Gulf of Khambhat in Surat, Gujarat, where it ends its journey.
Option B: This is not the correct option because Narmada is also a west-flowing river of the Peninsular plateau. Amarkantak Hill is the source of the river. Rewa is another name for the river. The Narmada is India's fifth-largest river. The river flows through the mountain ranges of Vindhya and Satpura.
Option C: This is the correct option because Mahanadi is the east-flowing river of the Peninsular plateau. The river stretches about 900 kilometres. The Mahanadi flows through the states of Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and Jharkhand. The river's catchment area is roughly $132,100 Km^2$. In the north, the Mahanadi River basin experiences generally subtropical weather. In the summer, the average temperature is around $29 \circ$, while in the winter, the average temperature is around $29 \circ$. The majority of the rain falls between July and September, with total rainfall ranging between 800 and 1200 mm.

Therefore the correct answer is option ‘C’.

Note: Peninsular India's terrain and weather are two superseding coercive checks on the rivers of the peninsula. Weather and geography become two major determining aspects of the sedimentological natures and the full procedure of soil corrosion, silting, and transfer factors in every catchment area of the river by influencing the flora and soil of the territory.