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Which of the following is the most stable ecosystem?
A. Mountain
B. Desert
C. Forest
D. Ocean

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 378.6k
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Hint: An ecosystem is referred to the interconnectedness of organisms, (be it plants, animals or microbes), with each other. They function together as a single unit.

Complete solution:
An ecosystem is a community of different life forms in concurrence with non-living components that interact with each other. An ecosystem can vary in size. It can be as small as an oasis, found in a desert, or it can be as big as an ocean, spread over thousands of miles. Ecosystems can be of two types, terrestrial and aquatic.
Land-based ecosystems are termed as terrestrial ecosystems. Further, these terrestrial ecosystems can be of different types, depending upon different geological zones. They are as follows:
Forest Ecosystems
Grassland Ecosystems
Tundra Ecosystems
Desert Ecosystem
The ecosystems that are present in the water bodies are termed as aquatic ecosystems. These are of two types, namely:
Freshwater Ecosystem
Marine Ecosystem
The freshwater ecosystem includes lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and wetlands. These have no salt content while the marine ecosystem has. The marine ecosystem includes seas and oceans. These have a significant salt content and also have a greater biodiversity as compared to the freshwater ecosystem.
Oceans are considered to be stable ecosystems because they remain unchanged over the long period of term. There are various natural geological and anthropogenic forces that keep on building and damaging mountains, deserts and forests but oceans have remained stable over the long history of the Earth. Their volume is massive and thus, minor shifts in oceans are not easily felt.

So, the correct option is D.

Note: The functions of the ecosystem can be listed as follows-
It plays a vital role in regulating the essential ecological processes, and supports life systems by rendering stability.
It is also responsible for the cycling of nutrients between biotic and abiotic components.
It helps in maintaining a balance among the various trophic levels present in the ecosystem.
It cycles the minerals through the biosphere.
The abiotic components play a vital role in the synthesis of organic components that involves the exchange of energy.