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Which of the following jurisdictions of the Indian Judiciary covers the public interest litigation?
A. Original Jurisdiction
B. Appellate jurisdiction
C. Epistolary jurisdiction
D. Advisory jurisdiction

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
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Hint: In India our constitution provides for a judicial system, which is integrated into nature, unlike the American Judiciary System. We have the Supreme Court of India at the very top and then below it, we have the high Courts of the respective States.

Complete answer:
The Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal in the country and has been given a vast number of powers by the Constitution itself.
The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India is of many types-
1. By the term original jurisdiction, we mean that the power to hear the disputes is with the Supreme Court in the first instance not by any way of appeal. This includes the disputes between the center and any state, between two or more States, etc.
2. Appellate jurisdiction means the Supreme Court has the power to hear appeals in matters of constitutional, civil rights, criminal matters, and special leave.
3. Advisory jurisdiction on the other hand means that the Supreme Court can hear matters of public importance, disputes that usually arise from any treaty, engagement, or pre-constitutional agreement.
4. In Epistolary jurisdiction, the supreme courts take into account any matter as writ.
To give representation and legal support to every citizen, the concept of public interest litigation was bought in India. Public interest litigation can be described as a legal action, which is initiated in any court by anyone whose legal rights are being violated.
5. The PIL comes under the Epistolary jurisdiction because PIL is a form of judicial activism.

So, the correct answer is Option B.

Note: Article 124 to 147 of the Constitution mainly tells us about the jurisdiction powers and procedures of the Supreme Court and Parliament is the main body that regulates all this. It is said that this Supreme Court has more power than the Supreme Court of any other country.