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Which of the following plant’s nomenclature is autonym?
A. Rattus rattus
B. Acacia nilotica indica
C. Brassica oleracea capitata
D. Acacia nilotica

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
Total views: 391.8k
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Hint: In plants, some names are automatically generated after the species epithet. They are controlled by the International code of nomenclature. It can be a generic or species name that is repeated without an author.

Complete answer: Antonyms are automatically created words in the botanical nomenclature system. They are regulated by the International code of nomenclature. An antonym is an intraspecific epithet in which a specific epithet is repeated. They are created by certain subdivisions of organisms such as algae, fungi, and plants. It is also known as an infrageneric or infraspecific name. It is an autological name that describes itself. They are cited without the author. They are not created if the name of the genus or species is illegitimate. Acacia is a type of perennial tree also known as babul, kikar, and prickly acacia. Its scientific name is Acacia nilotica indica which is an antonym. It is not created if the name of the genus or species being subdivided is illegitimate.
Hence, the correct answer is option B.

Note: An antonym is a name used by a category of people to refer to plants or in their language as opposed by the name given to them by the other groups. It can also be said that it is the name when the species epithet is repeated. They commonly include a type of species or genus. It is usually not mentioned in the publication.