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Which one is called the graveyard of RBCs?
A) Liver
B) Kidney
C) Hart
D) spleen

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 411.6k
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Hint:The important role in the red blood cells also known as erythrocytes and the digestive system. About 2.5 million of RBCs are destroyed in one second. After ingestion of RBCs by macrophages, the hemoglobin is separated into haem and globin.

Complete answer:
Red platelets, or erythrocytes, are one of the components of blood. (The others are plasma, platelets and white platelets.) They are consistently created in our bone marrow. Only a few drops of blood can contain around one billion red platelets – indeed, that is the thing that gives our blood that unmistakable red shading. RBCs are shaped in the red bone marrow from hematopoietic immature microorganisms in a cycle known as erythropoiesis. In grown-ups, about 2.4 million RBCs are delivered each second. The typical RBCs check is 4.5 to 5 million for every RBCs have a life expectancy of roughly 100-120 days. After they have finished their life expectancy, they are eliminated from the circulatory system by the spleen.

Spleen is known as the graveyard of RBCs in light of the fact that after fulfillment of life expectancy, RBCs are pulverized in the spleen where they are ingested by free macrophages. About 2.5 million of RBCs are destroyed in one second.
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Thus, the option (D) is the correct answer.

Note:The important thing is the red blood conveys oxygen from our lungs to the remainder of our bodies. At that point they make the return trip, returning carbon dioxide to our lungs to be breathed out. This process makes the human to live.