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Which ones are bile salts
A. Haemoglobin and biliverdin
B. Bilirubin and biliverdin
C. Bilirubin and haemoglobin
D. Sodium glycolate and taurocholate

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
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Hint: One of the primary components of bile are the bile salts. A greenish yellow fluid which is made by the liver and stored in gallbladder is known as the bile. Bile salts play an important role by helping with the digestion of fats in the body. Bike salts also help in absorbing fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. The bile and bile salts are made in the liver and are stored in gallbladder between meals.

Complete answer:
Option A Haemoglobin and biliverdin: The iron containing oxygen transport protein present in the red blood cells of most vertebrates as well as in the tissues of some invertebrates is known as haemoglobin. The breakdown of the heme moiety of hemoglobin in erythrocytes results in formation of biliverdin. Both haemoglobin and biliverdin are not bile salts.
Hence option A is not correct.
Option B Bilirubin and biliverdin: A yellow compound which occurs in the normal catabolic pathway that breaks down heme in vertebrates is known as bilirubin. A green tetrapyrrole bile pigment which is a product of heme catabolism is known as biliverdin. The biliverdin pigment is responsible for a greenish color that is sometimes seen in bruises. Both of these are not bile salts.
Hence option B is not correct.
Option C Bilirubin and haemoglobin: A yellowish pigment which is made during the normal breakdown of red blood cells is known as bilirubin. It passes through the liver and eventually gets excreted out of the body. The protein molecule present in red blood cells which carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs is known as haemoglobin. Both these are not bile salts.
Hence option C is not correct.
Option D Sodium glycolate and taurocholate: One of the bile salts is Sodium glycocholate. This bile salt contains a glycocholate, which is the glycine conjugate of cholic acid. The sodium glycolate acts as a detergent to solubilize fats for absorption and is absorbed itself. Another bile salt is sodium taurocholate, which contains taurocholate. It is the product of conjugation of cholic acid with taurine. The chief ingredient of the bile of carnivorous animals is its sodium salt. Since both sodium glycolate and taurocholate are bile salts.
So, option D is the correct answer.

Therefore, Option D) Sodium glycolate and taurocholate, is the correct answer.

Primary bile salts are synthesized by the liver from cholesterol. During their enterohepatic circulation, enzymatic modification leads to the formation of secondary and tertiary bile salts. The key digestive functions of bile salts are solubilization of dietary lipids and fat-soluble nutrients. Bile salts may induce cholestasis, apoptosis, and necrosis when elevated in liver tissue.