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Which will form two oximes with $NH_2OH$ ?
A. $C{H_3}CHO$
B. $C{H_3}COC{H_2}C{H_3}$
D. $C{H_3}COC{H_2}C{H_2}C{H_3}$

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
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Hint: We must remember that the oximes are formed by the reaction hydroxylamine with aldehyde or ketone. We have to remember that the two isomeric oximes are possible with aldehydes (except formaldehydes) and non-symmetric ketones. Oximes is the class of nitrogen containing organic compounds which are generally prepared from hydroxylamine, aldehyde, ketones or Quinone.

Complete step by step answer:
Let’s start with discussing a little about oximes for better understanding of the question. Oximes is the class of nitrogen containing organic compounds which are generally prepared from hydroxylamine, aldehyde, ketones or Quinone. Oximes have a general molecular formula $RR^'$C=NO.
Where, R-alkyl group
Coming back to the question we are asked for the molecule out of the options given to us which will form two oximes with $NH_2OH$. So, in this question we are provided with aldehydes and ketones as the option. Two isomeric oximes are possible with aldehydes (except formaldehydes) and non-symmetric ketones. Out of all the options given there is only one which fulfils the above condition and is capable of forming two isomeric oximes which is $C{H_3}CHO$.
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Hence the answer to this question is option A. $C{H_3}CHO$.
We have to remember that the formaldehyde does not form isomeric oxime because it is a symmetrical aldehyde and the ethyl methyl ketone and propyl ethyl ketone do not form oxime. Therefore, the options B, C and D are incorrect.

So, the correct answer is Option A.

Note: We must remember that the oximes are widely used in industry, oximes are used for metal extraction, Industrial production of caprolactam, used as antidotes for nerve agents etc. More than a million tonnes of cyclohexane is converted to oximes per year for meeting the production requirement of these materials.