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Who withdrew the mandatory Hindi teaching in Madras province during 1938-1940.
A. British governor of Madras
B. President of Madras
C. Prime Minister of Madras
D. None of these

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 377.7k
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Hint: The Madras Presidency owes its life to the East India Company, which in 1639 bought a village called Madraspatnam in South India. Madras presidency was under Lord John Erskine’s authority during the 1938-40 session.

Complete Answer:
John Erskine or Lord Erskine: (Highlights) He was a British soldier, politician, and administrator of the Conservative Party who served as a Weston-Super-Mare and Brighton Member of Parliament (MP). Erskine also served from 1934 to 1940 as the Governor of the Presidency of Madras. He had withdrawn the mandatory Hindi teaching in Madras province during 1938-1940. Erskine served from 1934 to 1940 as the Governor of the Presidency of Madras. Though he disagreed with some of his policies, he was a close friend of the Indian politician Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari. Erskine succeeded George Frederick Stanley as Governor of the Presidency of Madras in 1934 and served from 1934 to 1940. Erskine was a member of the Justice Party and during the 1937 elections, wanted the party to seize power in the Presidency. Erskine returned to the United Kingdom at the end of his term and served as a Member of Parliament for Brighton from 1940 to 1941. In his later life, Erskine withdrew from politics.

Hence, Option A. British governor of Madras is the correct answer.

Note: Two administrative structures controlled India by the British colonial authorities:
About 60 percent of the Indian sub-territory continents were provinces and territories directly under British colonial rule, And
40 percent of the sub-continent were indigenous Indian ("princely") states under direct treaty relations with British India.