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Write a short note on the governance system in ‘ganas’ and ‘sanghas’.

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
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Hint:Gana-Sanghas were a group of people who followed structures distinct from orthodox practises distributed throughout the Indo-Gangetic plain. It is thought that Jainism and Buddhism originate from these communities.

Complete answer:
In Sanskrit and Pali, the word ghana means "tribe". It can also be used to refer to a "body of attendants'' and can refer to the meeting of a given group as any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims" In Sanskrit, the term sangha means union, meeting, business or society. In Buddhism, for example, sangha refers to the monastic group of bhikkhus and bhikkhunis (nuns).
The "gana sanghas" are generally believed to have existed in India as early as the 6th century BC, and persisted until the 4th century in some regions. The ancient Buddhist texts, including their forms of government and political functions, provide many accounts of the different ancient Indian states at the time of Buddha. Mallas, centred in the city of Kusinagara, and the confederation of Vajji (or Vriji), centred in the city of Vaishali, existed as early as the 6th century BC among the larger Mahajanapadas, and both of their administrations were divided into executive, judicial, and military functions. As in the other Mahajanapada realms, their monarchical rule would also include republican groups such as the Rajakumara clan, and under their local rulers called Gramakas, the villages in this period also had their own assemblies.

Note:Their political structure was the biggest distinction between Vajji and other Mahajanapadas. Whereas Vajji was governed by an organisation called Gana or Sangha, other states were ruled by a monarch. This was a kind of oligarchy where the land was governed jointly by a community of individuals.