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FAQs on RD Sharma Class 6 Solutions Chapter 7 - Decimals (Ex 7.8) Exercise 7.8 - Free PDF
1. In this chapter, we will discuss decimals with RD Sharma Solutions Class 6 Maths
In Class 6, students may use the solutions as a guide to solving problems from the RD Sharma textbook. It is primarily aimed at helping students improve their confidence in solving tricky and lengthy problems. Using the PDF as a reference material helps speed up exam preparation as it is easily accessible to students.
In our everyday lives, we deal with Decimals when calculating money, length, weight, and other aspects of a matter. These numbers provide the value of items that we need in our everyday lives. Through the download of PDF solutions, students can gain a better understanding of the concepts covered in this chapter and the approach to solving problems.
2. Solution for Chapter 7 Decimals of RD Sharma's Class 6 Maths book:
The exercises in Chapter 7 explain the methods for solving problems using decimals along with essential shortcut tips. The following major concepts are discussed in RD Sharma Solutions Chapter 7:
Decimals as an extension of the place value table
Decimals as Fractions
Expressing Fractions as Decimals
Expressing Decimals as Fractions
Comparing Decimals
Some uses of Decimal Notation
Equivalent Decimals
Like and Unlike Decimals
Addition of Numbers with Decimals
Subtraction of Numbers with Decimals
3. Why should students refer to RD Sharma’s textbook?
Maths textbooks written by RD Sharma are often referred to. They contain thorough explanations for everything covered in the book. Each chapter contains explanations for all the basic concepts. Students can learn concepts easily from Vedantu's Solutions for all chapters of RS Aggarwal Class 6 from an exam perspective. This will help students to learn the concepts more effectively and efficiently.
4. Place value of a decimal digit - how do we find it?
Using a decimal place value chart, write the number first. Once you have determined the place value of the digit, look at the position of the digit. The digit 3 (say) is place value 3, or 30 in the tens place.
5. Which decimal place is the tenth?
The one place is one decimal place left of the decimal point. There is a tenths decimal place one decimal place left of the decimal place. The answer to such questions and many more along with much more details is available in the RD Sharma Class 6 Solutions for chapter 7, so be sure to download it to supplement your preparation.