Exam Focused Revision Notes for CBSE Class 10 Power Sharing - Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1
Power Sharing Class 10 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 (Free PDF Download)
FAQs on Power Sharing Class 10 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 (Free PDF Download)
1. Describe How Power-Sharing is Good for Democracy.
Power sharing is good for democracy in various ways. It distributes responsibilities between various organs and levels of government as well as even political groups in the society. Power-sharing gives powers to a lot of sections in the society which otherwise might have been overlooked in case the country had another type of government than democracy. Power-sharing also ensures that various dominant groups in the society do not gain so much power that they start dominating the society's reality.
In a democracy, it is the rule of the people which is further empowered by power-sharing. Various political groups such as pressure groups, public interest groups as well as political parties which are composed of common people or active citizens exercise significant influence in the political arena. They are heard by not only the civilians of the country but also by the government and influence various laws and policies.
2. Describe the Result of Communal Tensions in the Case of both Sri Lanka and Belgium.
The communal tensions and Sri Lanka were caused by various laws and policies which were discriminating the Tamils against Sinhalese people. The laws favoured the Sinhalese in various ways and led to a situation where the Tamils felt ignored by the government. Moreover the various protests by Tamil groups were not addressed properly by the government and led to further issues. The government did not concede to the demands of the Tamils. This action by the government resulted in various political groups protesting on the streets and ultimately caused Civil war in Sri Lanka.
In the Belgium situation, the Belgian people solved their communal issues by both the communities coming halfway and sharing power. Both the communities agreed on having an equal number of ministers in the central government. Selected laws were required to have a majority from both the communities to pass in the parliament. Moreover, the State Government and the Central Government were kept separate. To solve communal issues they agreed on a separate communal government which acted as a third Government and separate for each community. Apart from this the capital of Belgium i.e Brussels had a separate government where both the communities were represented equally.
For more questions on this chapter refer to CBSE Solutions for Class 10 SST Civics Chapter 1 on our platform. The NCERT solutions can be found on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 on our website or app which will guide you through your board exams.
3. What is power-sharing according to Chapter 1 of Class 10 Political Science?
In a democratic country, the power is not in the hands of an individual. The power is shared in different bodies such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary. It is an important feature of democracy. In Class 10, Political Science Chapter 1 students will study power-sharing. All information is given in detail for a proper understanding of power-sharing. Students will also study different forms of power-sharing in Chapter 1 to understand the main concepts.
4. Why is power-sharing important in a democracy?
Power-sharing is important because it reduces conflicts among different groups. It reduces the chances of violence in the country. In India, people of different castes and religions live in different parts. Therefore, political instability is common. To prevent political instability, power-sharing is important. Power-sharing is also important because it shares power between the different organs of the government and helps in smooth functioning of the government. Power sharing helps to provide efficient services to the public.
5. What is the importance of power-sharing in a democratic country like India?
Power-sharing is an important aspect for a democratic country like India. It is needed for the smooth functioning of the government. Without power-sharing there would be conflicts in the organs of the government. India has diversity because people of different castes and religions live in India. Violence may occur anytime, therefore to prevent violence and smooth functioning of the government, power-sharing is important. Students can understand the concept of power sharing in Chapter 1 of Class 10 Social Science.
6. How can I easily understand the concept of power-sharing in Chapter 1 of Class 10 Political Science?
Students find it difficult to understand Political Science. Power-sharing is the first chapter in Class 10 Political Science. Students can easily understand the concept of power-sharing in Class 10 from Vedantu's online notes for Class 10. Students can download Class 10 Political Science Chapter 1 Notes from Vedantu free of cost and can prepare for their exams. All notes are given in brief and simple language that can help students to understand their doubts.
7. Why is Vedantu good for downloading Chapter 1 of Class 10 Social Science Political Science notes?
It is good for students of Class 10 to download Social Science Political Science Chapter 1 notes from Vedantu because it is an excellent source of information for the students. It is an excellent guide for students to understand the concepts given in Chapter 1. Students can find easy-to-understand notes on Vedantu app and website. Students can find excellent notes at Vedantu for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 1 that can help them to prepare well for the exams.