Revision Notes for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 (Plant Growth and Development) - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Plant Growth and Development Class 11 Notes CBSE Biology Chapter 13 [Free PDF Download]
1. What is Heterophylly?
Ans. The plants follow various pathways in response to the environment/phase of life to make different kinds of structures. It is called plasticity. Some instances are heterophylly in cotton, coriander, and larkspur. The leaves of juvenile plants are much different in shape from those in the mature plant. The difference in the shapes of leaves produced in air and those produced in water in buttercup also represent heterophyllous development because of the environment.
2. What does the Sigmoid Growth Curve of a Population Mean?
Ans. In a biological organization, growth occurs at many levels, from the molecular level up to the ecosystem level. It can be measured at different levels, such as the growth of a cell organism or population. If it is measured in length, area, volume, mass, or the number of cells or individuals and plotted against time, and the s-shaped curve is obtained. This is known as the sigmoid curve. An analysis of this curve shows a lag phase during which slow growth occurs. This gradually attains a rapid growth, followed by a period of slow growth and ultimately a decline called the stationary phase. Since the same patterns of growth is a sigmoid curve observed at all levels of the organization, it is said to be universal.