CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 14 - Natural Resources Revision Notes - Free PDF Download
Natural Resources Class 9 Notes CBSE Science Chapter 14 (Free PDF Download)
FAQs on Natural Resources Class 9 Notes CBSE Science Chapter 14 (Free PDF Download)
1. What are mineral resources? Mention the types.
The natural substances that have chemical and physical properties, as well as the chemical composition, are called mineral resources. Types of it are undiscovered resources, reserves and identified resources.
2. How do forests play a major role in maintaining the water cycle?
Water vapour in the atmosphere directly depends on the transpiration of water present in the leaves. Water stored in a watershed is influenced by forests. Thus, the forest plays an important role in maintaining the water cycle.
3. What are natural resources notes?
CBSE offers notes for chapter 14 of class 9 Science and students can access them through the link-Notes For Class 9 science. The main aim of the notes is to simplify both answers and concepts and so, natural resources are defined as the abundant stock of air, water, soil, minerals, and all living organisms present on the Earth. These resources are useful in supporting life and meeting the needs of people. Specifically, coal, oil, soil, animals, birds, etc. constitute the different natural resources on the planet.
4. What is the greenhouse effect?
Chapter 14 of class 9 in Science is about natural resources. Other concepts like biogeochemical cycles, ozone layer and its depletion, etc. are taught to students in detail. One such concept is the greenhouse effect. CBSE notes define the greenhouse effect as a process through which radiations coming from the sun’s rays are absorbed by the greenhouse gases like CO2 and do not get reflected back into outer space. In short, it is actually the heating of the Earth’s surface. To know more students can refer to the vedantu app also.
5. How does the atmosphere act as a blanket?
This answer is explained with the concept that air is a bad conductor of heat and the atmosphere is full of air. This air contains gases, dust particles, and other things. This prevents the flow of heat in air resulting in a balanced temperature. During the day, the atmosphere prevents the sudden increase in temperature, and at night, it traps the heat by slowing down its escape to maintain an average temperature. The ozone layer also helps in this process.
6. What is the idea conveyed in chapter 14 of class 9 Science?
This chapter covers all the basics and details regarding natural resources. The ideas conveyed in this chapter are purely done to make students aware and understand these resources and their present condition on Earth. Natural resources are very important as they help in maintaining an average temperature, and contain very important gases for sustaining life on Earth. All these ideas are conveyed to the students through this chapter and CBSE notes make it easier for them through its organized structure.
7. How are revision notes for chapter 14 of Science for class 9 students beneficial?
The chapter on Natural resources contains various concepts like the greenhouse effect, biogeochemical cycles, ozone layer, etc. By using notes for learning this chapter, students can save a lot of their time, as every concept is given in crisp details covering each point related to the topic. The language used in the explanation is easy to follow and thus, students can learn the chapter in an efficient way. The material can be trusted as they are created by professional experts. The notes can be downloaded free of cost from the vedantu website (