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Sandhya Ke Baad Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antra) Chapter 12


Chapter 12 (Antra) Poem Class 11 Notes FREE PDF Download

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Revision Notes for Chapter 12 Sandhya Ke Baad. This poem by Sumitranandan Pant reflects his progressive ideology, capturing the essence of rural life and its various social realities. The poem beautifully portrays the evening scene in a village, including the lives of elderly women, widows, returning farmers, and animals. Download the FREE PDF for detailed revision notes to excel in your CBSE exams. Students can download these Class 11 Hindi Antra Revision Notes from Vedantu's website for FREE.  Also, you can visit Vedantu for other important study material, which provides the best practice for scoring well in exams, as Vedantu's Top experts compile the whole content. Check out the CBSE Hindi Class 11 Syllabus for the latest updates.

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Access Class 11 Hindi Chapter 12 Poem - Sandhya Ke Baad

लेखक के बारे में

सुमित्रानंदन पंत हिन्दी साहित्य के प्रमुख कवि हैं। उनका जन्म 20 मई 1900 को उत्तराखंड के कौसानी में हुआ था। पंत की कविताएँ प्रकृति, प्रेम और समाज के विविध पहलुओं को बखूबी चित्रित करती हैं। उनकी रचनाएँ मुख्य रूप से छायावादी और प्रगतिवादी विचारधारा से प्रेरित हैं। ‘ग्राम्या’ उनकी प्रसिद्ध काव्य-संग्रह में से एक है, जिसमें ग्रामीण जीवन और समाज की सजीव तस्वीरें प्रस्तुत की गई हैं। 

कविता के संक्षिप्त विवरण

‘संध्या के बाद’ कविता कवि पंत के काव्य-संग्रह ‘ग्राम्या’ से ली गई है। इसमें कवि ने ग्रामीण जीवन के सामाजिक यथार्थ का चित्रण किया है। कविता में ढलती हुई साँझ के ग्रामीण वातावरण, जनजीवन और प्राकृतिक सुंदरता का चित्रण हुआ है। वृद्धाओं, विधवाओं, किसानों और पशु-पक्षियों का भी उल्लेख है।

मुख्य विषय 

इस कविता का मुख्य विषय ग्रामीण जीवन का यथार्थ और प्रगतिवादी दृष्टिकोण है। पंत ने शाम के समय ग्रामीण जीवन की सुंदरता और कठिनाइयों का चित्रण किया है। इसमें समाज की समस्याओं और उनके समाधान का भी जिक्र है।

पात्र चित्रण

  • वृद्धाएँ: गंगा किनारे जप करती वृद्धाएँ, जिनका स्वरूप बगुलों-सा लगता है।

  • किसान: थके-हारे, निराश किसान जो खेत से घर लौटते हैं।

  • बनिया: गरीब दुकानदार जिसकी दयनीय आर्थिक स्थिति का वर्णन किया गया है।


  • कविता में अस्त होते सूर्य की किरणें वृक्ष की चोटियों पर नृत्य करती हैं।

  • पीपल के पत्तों से छनकर आने वाली किरणें ताँबे के पत्तों से सोने के सौ झरने जैसी लगती हैं। प्रकाश और छाया के संयोग से गंगा की जलधारा साँप की चितकबरी केंचुली जैसी दिखती है। 

  • मंदिरों में शंख और घंटों की ध्वनि गूँजती है। गंगा किनारे जप करती वृद्धाएँ बगुलों जैसी लगती हैं। पक्षियों का स्वर वातावरण में संगीत भर देता है। 

  • किसान और व्यापारी थके-हारे निराशा में डूब जाते हैं। 

  • ग्रामीण समाज की इच्छाओं, निराशाओं और बेबसी का वर्णन किया गया है। 

  • कवि ने प्रगतिवादी दृष्टिकोण से ग्रामीण समाज के नव-निर्माण की आवश्यकता बताई है।

Learnings from Class 11 Chapter 12 (Antra) - Sandhya Ke Baad Summary 

  • Understanding rural life and its various social realities.

  • Appreciating the beauty of nature as depicted in rural settings.

  • Recognising the economic disparity between urban and rural areas.

  • Learning about the challenges faced by rural communities and the importance of collective efforts for social progress.

  • Developing an empathetic perspective towards the struggles of middle and lower economic classes.


Importance of Revision Notes Class 11 Hindi Chapter 12 - Sandhya Ke Baad

  • Quick Review: They help you review important information quickly and easily.

  • Better Memory: Summaries make it easier to remember key points.

  • Focused Study: They highlight the most important topics, so you study the right areas.

  • Less Stress: Good notes help reduce exam stress by providing a clear study plan.

  • Last-Minute Prep: They are useful for quick reviews before exams.

  • Regular Study: Updating notes regularly keeps your study routine on track.

  • Better Results: Well-prepared notes help improve your exam performance.

Tips for Learning the Class 11 Hindi Revision Notes Chapter 12 - Sandhya Ke Baad

  • Arrange your revision notes chapter-wise and topic-wise for easy access.

  • Use highlighters to mark important themes, characters, and events.

  • Write summaries for each chapter or poem to capture the main ideas.

  • Make flashcards for important quotes, dates, and character traits for memorisation.

  • Review your notes frequently to reinforce your understanding and retention.

  • Engage in group discussions to gain different perspectives and a deeper understanding of the material.

  • Create mnemonic devices to remember difficult concepts or sequences. 

Related Study Material Links for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 12  Sandhya Ke Baad

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Class 11  Sandhya Ke Baad Important Questions


Class 11 Hindi Chapter 12 Sandhya Ke Baad beautifully encapsulates the essence of rural life, reflecting the struggles, hopes, and aspirations of the villagers. The poem highlights the beauty of the evening scene while also portraying the socio-economic challenges faced by rural communities. Vedantu's revision notes help in understanding these themes deeply, offering a comprehensive guide for exam preparation. Explore these notes to thoroughly understand the poem and excel in your CBSE exams.

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FAQs on Sandhya Ke Baad Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antra) Chapter 12

1. What is the main theme of the Class 11 poem Chapter 12 Sandhya Ke Baad?

The main theme of the poem is the depiction of rural life, its social realities, and the economic disparities between urban and rural areas.

2. How does the poet describe the evening scene in the village?

The poet describes the evening scene with the setting sun's rays dancing on tree tops, creating a beautiful interplay of light and shadow, and the serene atmosphere filled with the sounds of nature.

3. What social issues are highlighted in the Class 11 Chapter 12 poem Sandhya Ke Baad?

The poem highlights issues such as the economic struggles of rural communities, the disparity between rich and poor, and the need for collective efforts to bring about social change.

4. How are the elderly women depicted in the Chapter 12 poem Sandhya Ke Baad of Class 11?

The elderly women are depicted as serene and devoted, sitting by the river Ganga, chanting prayers, and resembling herons in their calmness.

5. In Chapter 12 Poem Sandhya Ke Baad of Class 11 Hindi what is the poet's perspective on rural and urban economic conditions?

The poet believes that income should be based on one's work and qualities, and he highlights the stark contrast between the economic conditions of rural and urban areas.

6. How does the Class 11 Chapter 12 Sandhya Ke Baad reflect the poet's progressive ideology?

The poem reflects the poet's progressive ideology by emphasizing the need for unity and collective efforts among rural communities to achieve social progress and economic well-being.

7. What imagery does the poet use to describe the natural beauty of the village in Class 11 Chapter 12 Sandhya Ke Baad? 

The poet uses imagery such as the sun's rays filtering through peepal leaves, resembling golden waterfalls, and the Ganga river appearing like a speckled snake.

8. How are the farmers and traders depicted in Chapter 12 Sandhya Ke Baad of Class 11?

Farmers and traders are depicted as tired and dejected, reflecting the harsh realities and struggles of rural life.

9. What is the poet's view on social leaders and their speeches in Sandhya Ke Baad Chapter 12 Poem of Class 11 Hindi?

The poet criticizes social leaders for their insincerity, suggesting that they only think of themselves when given the opportunity, rather than genuinely addressing societal issues.

10. How does the Class 11 Hindi Sandhya Ke Baad poem conclude on the note of social change?

The poem concludes with a call for unity among rural people to work together for social change, aiming for a society free from exploitation where everyone enjoys prosperity.