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Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antral) Chapter 1


Hindi Antral Notes for Chapter 1, Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani Class 11 - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides complete comprehensive Revision Notes for Chapter 1 of the Hindi Antral textbook for Class 11, Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani. The chapter deals with the life of Maqbool Fida Hussain, and takes us through a journey of grit, love, adventure and reflection, to come together to form this chapter of the Class 11 Hindi Syllabus. You can use the Class 11 Hindi Antral Revision Notes from this chapter to fully expand your comprehension and understanding of the chapter so that you are fully ready to give your examination and take absolutely no stress.

Table of Content
1. Hindi Antral Notes for Chapter 1, Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani Class 11 - FREE PDF Download
2. लेखक के बारे में:
3. सारांश:
4. विषय:
5. चरित्र चित्रण:
6. सारांश
7. Learnings from Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1 Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani
8. Importance of Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1 Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani
9. Tips for learning Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1 Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani
10. Important Study Materials for Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1
11. Chapter-wise Revision Notes for Hindi Class 11 - Antral
12. Important Study Material for Hindi Class 11

लेखक के बारे में:

मकबूल फ़िदा हुसैन, भारतीय चित्रकार, 20वीं सदी के सबसे प्रसिद्ध और विवादास्पद कलाकारों में से एक थे। उन्हें 'भारत का पिकासो' कहा जाता है। उनकी कलाकृतियों में भारतीय संस्कृति, समाज और इतिहास की झलक मिलती है। उनके काम ने भारतीय आधुनिक कला को वैश्विक मंच पर पहचान दिलाई।


मकबूल फ़िदा हुसैन की यह जीवनी उनके जीवन के प्रारंभिक दौर की कहानी है। इसमें उनके दादा से लगाव, बड़ौदा के बोर्डिंग स्कूल में शिक्षा, उनके चाचा की दुकान पर बैठकर चित्रकारी, और बेंद्रे साहब से प्रेरणा प्राप्त कर कला में उत्कृष्टता हासिल करने का वर्णन है। यह उनके संघर्ष और सफलता की प्रेरणादायक कहानी है।


इस अध्याय का प्रमुख विषयविषय मकबूल फ़िदा हुसैन की कला के प्रति असीम लगन और समर्पण है। इसमें उनके बचपन के संघर्ष, शिक्षा और कला के प्रति जुनून को दर्शाया गया है। यह कहानी उनके जीवन के विभिन्न अनुभवों और प्रेरणाओं को उजागर करती है, जो उन्हें भारतीय आधुनिक कला का प्रमुख चेहरा बनाती है।

चरित्र चित्रण:

  • मकबूल फ़िदा हुसैन: मकबूल फ़िदा हुसैन एक प्रतिभाशाली और समर्पित कलाकार थे। बचपन से ही उनकी चित्रकारी में गहरी रुचि थी और उन्होंने अपने दादा, स्कूल, और जीवन के विभिन्न अनुभवों से प्रेरणा पाई। उन्होंने कला के प्रति अपने जुनून को कभी कम नहीं होने दिया और भारतीय आधुनिक कला में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया।

  • अब्बा: मकबूल के अब्बा समझदार और दूरदर्शी थे। उन्होंने अपने बेटे की कला के प्रति रुचि को पहचाना और उसे प्रोत्साहित किया। समाज की परंपराओं को तोड़ते हुए उन्होंने मकबूल को ऑयल पेंटिंग की सामग्री मंगवाकर उसे समर्थन दिया, जिससे मकबूल अपनी कला में निखार ला सके।

  • चाचा मुरादअली: मुरादअली एक परिश्रमी और मददगार व्यक्ति थे। उन्होंने मकबूल को अपने जनरल स्टोर और रेस्तरां में काम करने का मौका दिया। हालांकि व्यापार में सफलता नहीं मिली, लेकिन उन्होंने मकबूल के कला के प्रति समर्पण को समझा और उसे अपने तरीके से समर्थन दिया।

  • बेंद्रे साहब: बेंद्रे साहब एक कुशल और प्रभावशाली कलाकार थे। उन्होंने मकबूल को लैंडस्केप पेंटिंग की तकनीक सिखाई और उसे प्रेरित किया। उनकी पेंटिंग "वैगबॉन्ड" ने मकबूल को गहराई से प्रभावित किया और उनकी मार्गदर्शन में मकबूल की कला में नई दिशा मिली।


  • मकबूल फ़िदा हुसैन को अपने दादा से गहरा लगाव था, दादा की मृत्यु के बाद वे बड़ौदा के बोर्डिंग स्कूल में दाखिल हुए।

  • स्कूल में उन्होंने खेल-कूद और चित्रकारी में उत्कृष्टता प्राप्त की, और शिक्षकों से प्रोत्साहन मिला।

  • उनके चाचा मुरादअली ने उन्हें दुकान और रेस्तरां में काम करने का मौका दिया, जहां उन्होंने चित्रकारी का अभ्यास किया।

  • मकबूल ने पहली ऑयल पेंटिंग अपने चाचा की दुकान पर बनाई, जिसे उनके पिता ने सराहा।

  • बेंद्रे साहब से मिलकर मकबूल ने लैंडस्केप पेंटिंग की तकनीक सीखी और उनके साथ काम किया।

  • उनके पिता ने बेंद्रे साहब की सलाह पर मकबूल को चित्रकला में आगे बढ़ने के लिए समर्थन दिया, जिससे मकबूल ने भारतीय आधुनिक कला में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया।

Learnings from Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1 Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani

  • Maqbool Fida Husain had a deep bond with his grandfather, and after his death, Husain was sent to a boarding school in Baroda.

  • At school, Husain excelled in sports and displayed significant talent in drawing, earning praise from his teachers.

  • Despite business challenges, his family, particularly his father, recognised and supported his passion for painting, providing him with the necessary materials.

  • Meeting and working with Bendre Sahib, an accomplished artist, greatly influenced Husain's technique and furthered his dedication to landscape painting.

Importance of Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1 Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani

  • Vedantu’s revision notes provide a detailed and clear explanation of Maqbool Fida Husain’s early life and influences, helping students grasp the key aspects of his artistic journey.

  • The notes are structured to highlight important points and themes, making it easier for students to revise efficiently and prepare effectively for exams.

  • Using simple and easy-to-understand language, the notes ensure that complex ideas and events are accessible to all students, enhancing comprehension.

  • Vedantu's notes emphasise crucial details and significant events, such as Husain's bond with his grandfather, his artistic development, and influential mentors, ensuring students remember and understand the chapter’s core elements.

Tips for learning Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1 Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani

  • Use Vedantu’s notes to identify and highlight the main events and themes in Maqbool Fida Husain’s life. This will help you focus on the most important aspects of the chapter.

  • Break down the chapter into smaller sections and summarise each part using the notes. This makes it easier to remember details and understand the flow of events.

  • Use the detailed explanations in the notes to create mind maps. This visual aid can help you connect different events and characters, making it easier to recall information.

  • Utilize any practice questions or summaries provided in the notes. Answering these questions can reinforce your understanding and help you prepare for exams effectively.


The chapter on Maqbool Fida Husain highlights his early life, artistic journey, and the significant influences that shaped his career. His bond with his grandfather, support from his family, and mentorship from Bendre Sahib were pivotal. Vedantu's revision notes provide a comprehensive and clear summary of these key points, making it easier for students to understand and remember the chapter's main themes. By using these notes, students can efficiently prepare for exams, ensuring a thorough grasp of Husain's inspiring story and contributions to Indian art.

Important Study Materials for Class 11 Hindi Antral Chapter 1

Chapter-wise Revision Notes for Hindi Class 11 - Antral


Revision Notes for Class 11 Hindi Antral - Other Chapters


Chapter 2 - Awara Masiha Notes

Important Study Material for Hindi Class 11

FAQs on Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antral) Chapter 1

1. Who was Maqbool Fida Husain as described in Class 11 Hindi 'Antral' Chapter 1?

Maqbool Fida Husain was a renowned Indian painter, often called the 'Picasso of India.' His work is known for its vibrant depiction of Indian culture, society, and history.

2. What was Husain's relationship with his grandfather in Class 11 Hindi Chapter 1  Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani?

Husain had a deep bond with his grandfather. After his grandfather's death, Husain became withdrawn, leading his father to enroll him in a boarding school in Baroda.

3. How did Husain's family support his artistic talent in the Chapter 1 Class 11 Hindi Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani?

Despite their business challenges, Husain's father recognized his artistic talent and supported him by providing materials like oil paints and canvases, enabling him to pursue his passion for painting.

4. Who was Bendre Sahib, and how did he influence Husain in the Class 11 Hindi Chapter 1 Antral?

Bendre Sahib was an accomplished artist who met Husain while painting landscapes. His technique and guidance significantly influenced Husain, helping him refine his skills and dedication to landscape painting.

5. What role did Husain's school play in his artistic development in the Chapter 1 Hindi Class 11?

At Darul-Uloom Hussainiya in Baroda, Husain excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities, including sports and drawing. His teachers recognized and encouraged his talent, providing a nurturing environment for his artistic growth.

6. What did Husain achieve during his time at the boarding school?

During his time at the boarding school, Husain developed his artistic skills, won accolades in sports, and received encouragement from his teachers, which laid the foundation for his future success as a painter.

7. Why is Husain's first oil painting significant?

Husain's first oil painting, created at his uncle's shop, marked the beginning of his journey in professional painting. His father's appreciation of this painting was a significant moment of encouragement for Husain.

8. How did Vedantu's revision notes help in understanding Class 11 Hindi Chapter 1  Hussein Ki Kahani Aapni Zabani?

Vedantu's revision notes provide a detailed and clear summary of Husain's early life, key events, and influences. They highlight important points, making it easier for students to revise and prepare for exams effectively, especially for Class 11 Hindi 'Antral' Chapter 1.

9. What was the significance of Husain's relationship with Bendre Sahib?

Husain's relationship with Bendre Sahib was pivotal in his artistic journey. Bendre's guidance and techniques significantly influenced Husain, helping him develop and refine his landscape painting skills.

10. How did Husain's experiences at his uncle's store influence his art?

Working at his uncle's store allowed Husain to practice sketching various subjects, including people and scenes he observed. This experience helped him improve his skills and experiment with different styles, eventually leading to his first oil painting.

11. What role did Husain's teachers play in his development?

Husain's teachers at Darul-Uloom Hussainiya recognised his talent and encouraged his artistic pursuits. They provided a supportive environment, allowing him to excel in both academics and extracurricular activities, fostering his growth as an artist.