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Padhakku Ki Soojh Class 4 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 11


Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 Padhakku Ki Soojh Notes - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s Note for Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 11, Padhakku Ki Soojh is a delightful story that teaches the importance of wisdom and quick thinking in solving problems. The chapter revolves around a clever character named Padhakku, who uses his intelligence to overcome challenges and help others. Through this engaging narrative, students learn valuable lessons about the power of knowledge and the importance of using one’s wit in tricky situations. 

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By providing a summary and analysis, Vedantu makes it easier for students to see the lessons and ideas in the Class 4 Hindi Notes. Students can download the Padhakku Ki Soojh Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 Notes PDF, making it simple to study and review whenever you need with the updated CBSE Hindi Class 4 Syllabus.


Access Revision Notes For Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 11 Padhakku Ki Soojh

कवि परिचय:

  • प्रस्तुत कविता के कवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर हैं। 

  • कवि का जन्म 23 सितंबर 1908 को बिहार में हुआ था। उनकी प्रमुख रचनाओं में 'परशुराम की प्रतीक्षा' शामिल है। 

  • रामधारी सिंह दिनकर को वीर रस का श्रेष्ठ कवि माना जाता है और उन्हें पद्मभूषण तथा ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जा चुका है।

कविता का सारांश:

  • इस कविता में कवि ने एक पढ़क्कू व्यक्ति का चित्रण किया है, जिसे अत्यधिक पढ़ने-लिखने की आदत थी और जिसका दिमाग भी बहुत तेज था। 

  • एक दिन उसे यह सवाल सता रहा था कि कोल्हू का बैल बिना देखे कैसे चलता है।

  • इस सवाल पर वह कई दिनों तक सोचता रहा और मानता था कि उसके मालिक ने बैल को कोई विशेष कला या तरीका सिखाया होगा।

  • वह अंततः मालिक से पूछता है कि वह कैसे समझ लेते हैं कि बैल कोल्हू में घूम रहा है या खड़ा है। मालिक ने उत्तर दिया कि बैल के गले में एक घंटी बंधी रहती है। 

  • जब घंटी बजती रहती है, तब मालिक को कोई चिंता नहीं रहती। लेकिन जब घंटी की आवाज़ बंद हो जाती है, तो मालिक बैल की पूँछ पकड़ लेता है।

  • पढ़क्कू इस उत्तर को सुनकर सोचता है कि यदि कभी बैल अपनी गर्दन हिला-हिला कर घंटी की आवाज बंद कर दे, तो पूरे दिन में एक बूंद भी तेल नहीं निकलेगा।

  • पढ़क्कू की यह बात सुनकर मालिक हँसते हैं और उसे वहाँ से जाने के लिए कह देते हैं। अंत में मालिक ने कहा कि बैल में इतना दिमाग नहीं होता है कि वह ऐसा कर सके।

शब्द - अर्थ:



वाक्य में प्रयोग


जिससे तर्क विद्या का ज्ञान दिया जाए

बैल को तर्कशास्त्र का ज्ञान नहीं होता है |


बात बनाकर बोलना

पढ़क्कू नई नई बातें गढ़ता था|



यह इनके पढ़ने का ढ़ब है |  



आज मीरा का सारा भेद खुल गया | 



बैल खड़ा रहकर पागुर करता है |



गोपाल को माँ की बहुत फिक्र हो रही  है |


थोड़ा सा

रंजन तनिक इधर आना |



मैं इस तितली को धर लूंगा ।



मालिक कोरा ही रह गया ।

अड़ जाना

जिद करना

रमेश घूमने जाने के लिए अड़ गया ।



अब साँझ होने वाली है ।


दिमाग से जुड़ा हुआ

पढ़क्कू ने कहा तुम मंतिख की बातें नहीं समझ सकते हो ।

तुकबंदी वाले शब्द:

























Importance of Padhakku Ki Soojh Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 Notes PDF

  • The notes PDF provides a concise and easy-to-understand summary of the chapter, helping students grasp the main events and lessons quickly.

  • The notes highlight the important aspects of Padhakku's cleverness and problem-solving skills, making it easier for students to review and prepare for exams effectively.

  • The notes break down the story's key themes, such as the value of knowledge and quick thinking, into simple explanations that are easy for students to understand.

  • The PDF format allows students to access and review the notes anytime, anywhere, making studying more flexible and convenient.

  • The notes are designed to focus on the essential points of the chapter, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams with a clear understanding of the content.

Tips for Learning the Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 11 Padhakku Ki Soojh

  • Start by reading the chapter thoroughly to understand the plot and how Padhakku uses his cleverness to solve problems. Pay attention to the challenges he faces and how he overcomes them.

  • Write down a summary of the main events and the solutions Padhakku comes up with. This will help you remember the important details and make revision easier.

  • Focus on the moral lessons of the story, such as the importance of using knowledge wisely and thinking quickly in difficult situations. Understanding these lessons will help you connect with the chapter better.

  • Try to think of how you would solve the problems Padhakku faces in the story. This will enhance your critical thinking and make the chapter more relatable.

  • Refer to the Padhakku Ki Soojh notes PDF for a clear summary and key points. The notes simplify the chapter’s content and help you focus on the most important aspects of exam preparation.


Chapter 11 Padhakku Ki Soojh from Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) is a captivating story that highlights the power of intelligence and quick thinking in overcoming challenges. Through Padhakku’s cleverness and resourcefulness, students learn the importance of using knowledge wisely and thinking on their feet in difficult situations. The story not only entertains but also imparts valuable life lessons about the significance of education and the impact of using one’s abilities for the greater good. 

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FAQs on Padhakku Ki Soojh Class 4 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 11

1. What is the main theme of Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11, Padhakku Ki Soojh?

The main theme of Padhakku Ki Soojh is the importance of intelligence, quick thinking, and problem-solving skills in overcoming challenges and helping others.

2. Where can I download the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 notes PDF?

You can download the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 notes PDF, Padhakku Ki Soojh from Vedantu’s website, which provides detailed summaries and key points for effective revision.

3. How do the Padhakku Ki Soojh notes help in exam preparation?

The Padhakku Ki Soojh notes help in exam preparation by offering a clear summary, highlighting important themes, and breaking down Padhakku’s problem-solving strategies for better understanding.

4. What key points are covered in the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 notes?

The key points in the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 notes include Padhakku’s cleverness, the moral lessons about the value of knowledge and quick thinking, and the impact of using intelligence to solve problems.

5. Why is it important to study Padhakku Ki Soojh in Class 4 Hindi?

Studying Padhakku Ki Soojh is important because it teaches students the significance of using their knowledge and wit to navigate challenges, making it a valuable lesson in both academics and life.

6. Can I access the Padhakku Ki Soojh Class 4 notes PDF for FREE?

Yes, you can access the Padhakku Ki Soojh Class 4 notes PDF for FREE on Vedantu’s website, which offers comprehensive study materials for students.

7. How does the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 notes PDF simplify learning?

The notes PDF simplifies learning by summarising the chapter’s key points, breaking down complex ideas into easy-to-understand sections, and focusing on the practical applications of the story’s lessons.

8. What lessons can be learned from Padhakku Ki Soojh?

Padhakku Ki Soojh teaches important lessons about the value of quick thinking, the importance of using knowledge wisely, and the impact of intelligence in solving problems and helping others.

9. How should I use the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 Notes for revision?

To use the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 11 notes for revision, review the summary and key points provided in the PDF, and practice answering related questions to reinforce your understanding.

10. What are some important questions from the Padhakku Ki Soojh chapter in Class 4 Hindi?

Important questions from the Padhakku Ki Soojh chapter might focus on Padhakku’s cleverness, the strategies he uses to solve problems, and the moral lessons of the story. These can be found in the notes PDF.