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Himaalay Kee Betiyaan (हिमालय की बेटियाँ) Class 7 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 2


Hindi Notes for Chapter 2 हिमालय की बेटियाँ Class 7 Vasant - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides helpful revision notes for Class 7 Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 2, "Himaalay Kee Betiyaan," to assist students in their studies. These notes are created to make it easier for students to understand the chapter’s main ideas. They follow the CBSE Class 7 Hindi syllabus, ensuring that all important topics are covered.

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This chapter focuses on the value of freedom and the happiness of being unbound, using the image of birds flying in the sky. It encourages readers to think about their wishes for independence and joy. The revision notes summarise the key points and themes of the chapter, making it easier for students to remember important details. These Class 7 Hindi Revision Notes are a great resource for preparing for exams and help students appreciate the beauty of nature and the message of freedom in the poem.

Access Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2: Himaalay Kee Betiyaan (हिमालय की बेटियाँ) Notes

लेखक परिचय - नागार्जुन

“नागार्जुन” हिंदी साहित्य के प्रसिद्ध कवि और लेखक थे, जिनका असली नाम वैद्यनाथ मिश्र था। वे भारतीय समाज और संस्कृति के प्रति अपने गहरे प्रेम के लिए जाने जाते थे। नागार्जुन की रचनाओं में समाज की समस्याओं, किसानों की पीड़ा और प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य का अनूठा चित्रण मिलता है। उनकी रचनाएँ समाज को जागरूक करने का कार्य करती हैं, और वे समाजवादी दृष्टिकोण के समर्थक थे।


इस अध्याय में, लेखक ने नदियों के सौंदर्य, उनके प्राकृतिक गुणों और भारतीय संस्कृति में उनके महत्त्व को दर्शाया है। हिमालय की चोटियों से निकलने वाली नदियों का वर्णन करते हुए लेखक ने नदियों के बहाव, उनके संगीतमय रूप, और उनके द्वारा उपजाई जाने वाली उर्वरता का चित्रण किया है। नदियाँ न केवल पानी का स्रोत हैं बल्कि भारतीय परंपराओं, धार्मिक मान्यताओं और कृषि में उनका अद्वितीय स्थान है।

मुख्य विषय

अध्याय का मुख्य विषय प्रकृति के साथ हमारे संबंधों को गहराई से समझना और नदियों के योगदान को आदरपूर्वक प्रस्तुत करना है। इसमें नदियों की महत्ता, उनका सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक महत्व, और मानव जीवन में उनके योगदान पर प्रकाश डाला गया है।

पात्र चित्रण

इस अध्याय में किसी विशिष्ट पात्र का उल्लेख नहीं है, बल्कि नदियाँ मुख्य पात्र के रूप में चित्रित हैं। लेखक ने नदियों को मानवीय गुणों से भरकर दर्शाया है, जैसे वे मातृत्व भाव से युक्त हैं और मानवता की सेवा में समर्पित हैं। नदियों का गुणगान करते हुए उन्हें जीवनदायिनी के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है।


  • नदियों का वर्णन उनकी सुंदरता और प्रवाह की विशेषताओं के साथ किया गया है।

  • नदियाँ जीवनदायिनी हैं और उनका महत्त्व भारतीय कृषि, संस्कृति और धार्मिक परंपराओं में विशेष रूप से है।

  • लेखक ने हिमालय की गोद से निकलने वाली नदियों की उत्पत्ति और उनके महत्व का वर्णन किया है।

  • नदियों को मातृत्व का प्रतीक मानते हुए उन्हें मानव जीवन के लिए अत्यावश्यक बताया गया है।

  • नदियों का सांस्कृतिक महत्व, जैसे पूजा-पाठ और तीर्थ यात्रा में उनकी भूमिका, को भी इस अध्याय में दर्शाया गया है।

  • लेखक ने नदियों को प्रकृति का अद्भुत उपहार माना है, जो समाज को समृद्धि और जीवन प्रदान करती हैं।

  • नदियों का जीवन के हर पहलू पर गहरा प्रभाव है, और लेखक ने इसे पाठकों के समक्ष सुंदरता के साथ प्रस्तुत किया है।

  • अंत में, अध्याय हमें नदियों के महत्व को समझने और उनकी रक्षा करने की प्रेरणा देता है।

Points to Remember from Hindi Chapter 2 Himaalay Kee Betiyaan

  • Cultural Heritage: This chapter highlights the rich cultural heritage of the Himalayan region and the importance of local traditions and customs.

  • Women’s Role: It highlights women's important role in Himalayan communities, contributing to family life and society.

  • Natural Beauty: The chapter describes the beautiful landscapes of the Himalayas, showing how nature is part of the lives of the people living there.

  • Struggles and Strength: It discusses the challenges women face in these areas, including tough living conditions, and how they show resilience and strength.

  • Preservation of Tradition: The poem reflects on the need to keep the traditions and values of Himalayan culture alive, passed down through generations.

  • Connection to Nature: It emphasises the deep bond between people and their environment, showing how nature affects their lifestyle and beliefs.

  • Empowerment: The chapter celebrates the empowerment of women, highlighting their contributions to community growth and their fight for rights and recognition.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 7 Hindi Chapter 2 Himaalay Kee Betiyaan

  • Revision notes give a quick and simple summary of the chapter, making it easy to understand the main ideas without reading the whole text again.

  • They highlight important themes, like the beauty of nature and the connection with the Himalayas, helping students remember these key points.

  • With essential points highlighted, revision notes help students remember important information during exams or quick reviews.

  • Difficult ideas and cultural references are explained in simple language, making it easier for students to understand and remember.

  • Revision notes are great for quick review, saving time during exam preparation or assignments.

  • These notes cover the main points, helping students feel prepared for exam questions related to the chapter.

Study Tips for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 Himaalay Kee Betiyaan

  • Read the Chapter Thoroughly: Start by reading the chapter carefully to understand the main ideas about the culture and lives of women in the Himalayan region.

  • Highlight Key Points: As you read, underline or highlight important sentences that explain the role of women and their connection to nature and culture.

  • Take Notes: Write down important details and examples from the chapter. This will help you remember key information when studying for exams.

  • Discuss with Friends: Talk about the chapter with your classmates or family members. Sharing ideas can help you understand the content better.

  • Practice Questions: Look for questions related to the chapter and practice answering them. This will help reinforce what you’ve learned and prepare you for tests.


CBSE Revision Notes for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 2, "Himaalay Kee Betiyaan," highlight the important role of women in Himalayan culture. They summarise key points about their strength and connection to nature. By reviewing these notes, students can better understand the challenges and contributions of women in these communities. The notes also encourage appreciation for the rich traditions of the Himalayan region. Overall, they serve as a helpful resource for studying and preparing for exams.

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Chapter-wise Revision Notes for Hindi Class 7 - Vasant

These revision notes for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 2, "Himaalay Kee Betiyaan," offer a helpful overview. The table below includes revision notes for other chapters, making it easy to access and begin studying.

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Class 7 Hindi (Vasant) Chapter-wise Links for Revision Notes


Chapter 1 - Ham Panchhee Unmukt Gagan Ke Notes


Chapter 3 - Kathputli Notes


Chapter 4 - Mithaiwala Notes


Chapter 5 - Papa Kho Gaye Notes


Chapter 6 - Shaam - Ek Kisaan Notes


Chapter 7 - Apoorv Anubhav Notes


Chapter 8 - Rahim Ke Dohe Notes


Chapter 9 - Ek Tinka Notes


Chapter 10 - Khan Paan Ki Badalti Tasveer Notes


Chapter 11 - Neelakanth Notes


Chapter 12 - Bhor Aur Barkha Notes


Chapter 13 - Veer Kunwar Sinha Notes


Chapter 14 - Sangharsh Ke Karan Main Tunukamizaaj Ho Gaya Hoon Notes


Chapter 15 - Aashram Ka Anumaanit Vyay Notes 

Other Book-wise Links for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Notes

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Class 7 Hindi Revision Notes - Book-wise Links


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FAQs on Himaalay Kee Betiyaan (हिमालय की बेटियाँ) Class 7 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 2

1. What is the main idea of Class 7 Hindi Chapter 2 "Himaalay Kee Betiyaan"?

The chapter celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of the Himalayan region and its people, focusing on the deep connection they share with nature and their environment.

2. How can Vedantu’s revision notes help with understanding Chapter 2?

Vedantu’s revision notes simplify the chapter’s main points, making it easier to understand the key themes and ideas without needing to read the full text repeatedly.

3. Why are the revision notes important for Chapter 2 "Himaalay Kee Betiyaan"?

The notes help students quickly review important details, such as the natural beauty of the Himalayas and the strong bond of its people with the land.

4. What themes are covered in Vedantu’s revision notes for Chapter 2?

The revision notes cover themes like the love for nature, the beauty of the Himalayas, and the culture of the people living in the mountains.

5. How do the revision notes simplify the chapter for Class 7 students?

The notes break down difficult concepts into simple language, helping students understand the chapter’s message without struggling with complex words.

6. Can Vedantu’s revision notes save time during exam preparation for Chapter 2?

Yes, the notes provide a quick overview of the chapter, allowing students to review the main ideas and themes easily before exams.

7. What does "Himaalay Kee Betiyaan" refer to in the chapter?

"Himaalay Kee Betiyaan" refers to the people who live in the Himalayan region, highlighting their unique connection with the land and nature.

8. How can students use Vedantu’s notes to remember key points of Chapter 2?

Students can go through the notes to focus on the main ideas, which makes it easier to remember key points without needing to read the entire chapter again.

9. What lesson does Chapter 2 "Himaalay Kee Betiyaan" teach us?

The chapter teaches us about the value of nature, the beauty of the Himalayas, and the simple yet meaningful life of the people in the mountains.

10. How does Vedantu ensure the revision notes for Chapter 2 are easy to understand?

Vedantu presents the notes in a clear and straightforward way, using simple language to make complex ideas easy for Class 7 students to understand.

11. Why is the connection of people with the Himalayas important in Chapter 2?

The chapter highlights this connection to show how the people of the Himalayas respect, protect, and cherish their natural surroundings, making their bond with nature special.