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Role of the Government in Health Class 7 Notes: CBSE Political Science Chapter 2


CBSE Role of The Government in Health Class 7 Notes - FREE PDF Download

Revision Notes for Class 7 Social Science - Civics Chapter 2 "Role of the Government in Health" are very helpful for students. Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 Notes are made by experts and follow the Latest CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus, covering all important topics about how the government works to improve health. They simply explain difficult ideas, making it easier for students to understand the role of the government in public health.

Students should read these notes carefully because they explain key points like the government’s responsibility in providing healthcare, the different health schemes it offers, and how these schemes help people. These Class 7 Civics Revision Notes are made to help students prepare well for their exams by giving a clear understanding of the chapter’s main ideas. With the Role Of The Government In Health Class 7 Notes, students can feel confident in their preparation for their exams.

Access Class 7 Social Science (Civics) Chapter 2 - Role of the Government in Health Notes

The government in a democracy has to work in favour of the welfare of the people. The most important aspect of welfare is the health department. India being a developing country, and the health requirements of all the different types of people can be quite a challenge.

What is Health?

Health is our ability to resist illness and injuries. Apart from these diseases, basic health criteria need to meet one's need to ensure health. For instance, a person drinking unclean water becomes ill even though he might not cause any disease.

Unsanitized living conditions make one more prone to illnesses. One must also take care of mental conditions when discussing health.

Healthcare System in India

  • The healthcare services and system of a country are responsible for maintaining the good health conditions of its citizens and their welfare.

  • India has a very good healthcare system, with the highest number of medical colleges, the number of doctors, and a growing healthcare chain, it is regarded as one of the best healthcare services.

  • Along with this, India is the largest producer of medicine which has contributed to the healthcare system of India.

  • Despite this, there is no decrease in the number of people affected by tuberculosis and malaria. Apart from this, It is unable to provide clean water to all of the citizens; half of the children do not get adequate food and water.

  • To overcome such difficulties, healthcare resources ought to be better. The healthcare system has both the required knowledge and experience required for successful execution.

Private and Public Healthcare Systems

The healthcare system is divided into two branches that are:-

  • The public healthcare systems

  • The private healthcare systems

The Public Health Service of India

  • The public healthcare system in India is a network consisting of government health centres and hospitals. They are the connecting link between the rural and urban areas. This helps in treatment availability to people in the rural areas along with the urban areas. They are well equipped to provide treatment to general problems and specialised services.

  • Whereas the village-level healthcare centres have a nurse and a village worker to provide any type of care. The nurse and the villager work under the guidance of a doctor working at the Primary Health Care centre.

  • The Primary Health Care centre provides healthcare services to many villages in rural areas.

  • At the district level, hospitals supervise the health centres.

  • The urban areas have several government hospitals and private hospitals.

Private Healthcare Services

  • Private healthcare services are owned or controlled by private enterprises.

  • They are not responsible for providing services to all the citizens of the country, they run for profit.

  • In the cities, we might see a large number of private healthcare service centres like private nursing homes and private hospitals.

Healthcare and Equality

  • Due to several reasons, India has seen major growth in the number of private healthcare service systems in comparison to the public healthcare service systems. But one main drawback to this is that the urban areas receive more private services than the people in rural areas.

  • Private healthcare services are owned by organisations, and the cost of private healthcare services is higher. Due to the high prices of the available services, every person in the country is unable to afford them. People with a lower economic background borrow money when they need private health services.

  • Private services encourage practices for profit. In government-owned hospitals, cheaper alternatives are available. Some examples of immoral practices are being practised by doctors in the private sector which include prescribing unnecessary medicines, injections, or saline bottles when in fact cheaper oral medicines can suffice for treatment.

  • According to data, around 20% of the population is capable of affording the medicines required for treatment in a private healthcare service centre.

  • The cost of treatment in the private hospital might become an economic burden. According to a survey, 40% of the people who had to be admitted to a hospital for some kind of injury or illness either had to sell their property or borrow money to pay for the expenses of the treatment.

  • For poor people, it might be a cause of anxiety and distress. 

  • Most of the poor people are undernourished as they do not get the food that is required. They are unable to receive adequate housing, clean and hygienic surroundings, and so on. This is the reason why poor people are more prone to falling ill than other people. The cost of the treatment of the illness in the private sector is going to make their economic condition worse.

  • Another point to be noted is the scarcity of available healthcare centres in remote places. Thus, it becomes difficult for the tribal people to avail healthcare services. There is also a scarcity of private healthcare service centres in these remote areas. 

Adequate Healthcare for All: Need of the Hour

There is a rise in the number of private health services in India but there has been no increase in public healthcare facilities. This makes people approach private services where the cost of the services is very high. In some private healthcare services, malpractices are followed to earn more money. For the middle-class population and the poor of the country, medical expenses increase their hardships. The high cost of private healthcare services makes the situation worse for them.

What Can Be Done?

  • The health of most people does not get enough medical attention. The health condition of the general public is not in a good state.

  • According to the Constitution, the government is responsible for providing equality in terms of healthcare services available to the citizens. The government takes care of the health of poor and backward people.

  • Some of the famous approaches taken by different government systems to deal with the problems of the healthcare system are:-

  • The Kerala approach in which government money was used to effectively plan the healthcare services needed.

  • The Costa Rican approach was to invest in healthcare as the priority rather than to meet the health requirements of all its people.

The Kerala Experience

In 1996, the Kerala government allocated 40% of the state budget to panchayats, allowing villages to plan for their needs, including water, food, women's development, and education. This led to improvements in water supply, schools, and health centres. However, issues like medicine shortages, lack of hospital beds, and insufficient doctors still needed attention.

The Costa Rican Approach

Costa Rica is one of the healthiest countries in Central America, largely due to a key decision in its Constitution to abolish the army. This allowed the government to use the funds for health, education, and essential services like safe drinking water, sanitation, nutrition, and housing. The Costa Rican government prioritises the health of its people, providing basic services and including health education at all levels of schooling for national development.

5 Important Topics of Civics Class 7 Chapter 2 You Shouldn’t Miss!


Important Topics


What is Health?


Healthcare in India


Public and Private Healthcare Services


Public Health Services


Private Health Facilities

Importance of Political Science Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health Notes

  • The notes help students understand the government’s role in ensuring public health and providing basic services.

  • They explain how government health schemes and policies impact people's lives and well-being.

  • Complex ideas are simplified, making it easier for students to grasp key concepts related to healthcare and governance.

  • These notes are an essential resource for revision and exam preparation, ensuring students cover all important topics thoroughly.

  • They provide a clear understanding of how health is linked to development and the responsibilities of the government.

Tips for Learning the Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

  • Understand Key Concepts: Focus on understanding how the government is responsible for providing healthcare and why it is essential for a country's development.

  • Review Health Schemes: Pay attention to different health schemes and how they benefit the public, especially in rural areas.

  • Grasp the Link Between Health and Development: Learn about how a healthy population is crucial for a country's overall progress and development.

  • Use Examples: Remember real-life examples, like Costa Rica and Kerala, to better understand how governments prioritise health.

  • Regular Revision: Go through the notes regularly to keep the important points fresh in your mind for exams.


The Revision Notes for Class 7 Social Science - Civics Chapter 2, "Role of the Government in Health," provide a simple and clear explanation of the government's responsibility in ensuring public health. Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 Notes cover key topics such as the importance of healthcare, how the government promotes health services, and the challenges that still need to be addressed. These notes help students understand the importance of healthcare and the government's role in improving public well-being. These notes are a great tool for exam preparation, helping students grasp important concepts and perform well in their studies.

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FAQs on Role of the Government in Health Class 7 Notes: CBSE Political Science Chapter 2

1. What was the Kerala Experience according to Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 Notes?

The government of Kerala allocated 40% of the total Kerala budget to the panchayats in 1996. This allocation of funds ensured that villages could do proper planning for food, water, women’s development, and education. The funds were also utilised to improve the healthcare centres in the villages.

2. What was the Costa Rican Approach to Healthcare from Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 Notes?

Costa Rica is one of the healthiest countries in Central America. Several years back Costa Rica decided to improve its healthcare with a different approach. It took the decision to not have an army and utilised the money that would have been spent on the army, on health, education, and other basic needs of the people. This approach showed how the role of government in healthcare is crucial. Students can refer to the Role of Government in Health Class 7 PDF for more such innovative examples and the role of government in improving healthcare.

3. What is meant by health and how is the healthcare system in India according to Role Of The Government In Health Class 7 PDF?

Health is a state of a person where he or she can remain free of illness. It also includes the mental and social well-being of that person. The healthcare system in India can be divided into two categories - private and public. The public healthcare services are managed by the government. The private health facilities are privately owned and are more expensive. The healthcare system in India is still poor and needs to focus more to provide quality care to all citizens.

4. What is medical tourism and why is it popular in India in Chapter 2 Role of Government in Health Class 7 Notes?

Medical tourism refers to people who come from other countries to India to access healthcare facilities and treatments.  It is popular because many people come for these facilities here as they are cheaper than in their own country. Ironically, people from other countries come here to avail health facilities in India but many Indian citizens still do not have access to basic quality healthcare and have to travel far for even the smallest illnesses.

5. What is the public healthcare system and why is it important in the Role Of The Government In Health Class 7 PDF?

Public healthcare services are a network of health centres and hospitals run by the government. They are funded by the taxes that the public pays to the government. At the village level, there are primary health centres and they come under a district hospital at the district level. They are called public because they are meant to provide medical facilities at a very low or FREE of cost to the public so that people from any financial background can access them.

6. What is the role of the government in providing healthcare to its citizens according to the Role of Government in Health Class 7 Notes?

Healthcare services in India are poor as quality medical facilities are not available to each citizen in the country. According to the Indian constitution, it's the duty of the state to increase the standard of living and nutrition levels of its citizens to improve public health. However, we see an increase in private medical services but no improvement in public health services. The government should make an effort to ensure that the poor also receive basic amenities and have access to the public health system.

7. Where can I find  NCERT Class 7 Social Science Political Science Chapter 2 Revision Notes?

Vedantu offers detailed Revision Notes for Class 7 Social Science Political Science Chapter 2 which can be found on Class 7 Social Science Political Science revision notes absolutely FREE of cost from Vedantu. The notes are prepared by subject experts and are well explained so that students can understand the chapter easily and write proper answers in the exams. The notes cover all the important topics of the chapter such as the public and private healthcare systems in India and the role of the government in providing healthcare facilities to its citizens.

8. How can the Role Of The Government In Health Class 7 Notes help me prepare for exams?

The Role Of The Government In Health Class 7 Notes provide simple explanations of key concepts, making it easier to understand and revise important topics before exams.

9. Are the Role Of Government In Health Class 7 Notes based on the latest CBSE syllabus?

Yes, the Revision Notes follow the latest CBSE syllabus, covering all essential topics and ensuring students are well-prepared for exams.

10. Can I download the Role Of The Government In Health Class 7 PDF for quick revision?

Yes, you can easily download the Role Of The Government In Health Class 7 PDF, which is great for quick revisions and easy access to important points anytime.

11. How do the Role Of Government In Health Class 7 Notes simplify difficult topics?

The Role of Government In Health Class 7 Notes break down complex topics into simple, easy-to-understand points, helping students grasp the key concepts with ease.