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Sound Class 8 Notes: CBSE Science Chapter 10


CBSE Science Class 8 Sound Notes Chapter 10 - FREE PDF Download

Revision Notes for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 "Sound" are very helpful for students. Sound Class 8 Notes are prepared according to the Latest CBSE Class 8 Science Syllabus and cover all important points about sound and its properties. They simplify complex concepts into easy-to-understand language, making it easier for students to grasp how sound is produced and travels in different mediums.

Students should study these notes carefully as they cover key topics like the production of sound, types of sound waves, and how sound is measured. With these Class 8 Science Revision Notes, students can review the chapter thoroughly and be well-prepared for their exams. By using Class 8 Sound Notes, students will have a better understanding of sound and improve their knowledge of doing well in exams. Download FREE PDF.

Access CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Sound Notes

What is Sound?

Sound is defined as the vibrations that can travel through any medium like air and can be heard when the vibrations reach an individual or an animal’s ear. Musical sound is a sound which produces a pleasing effect to the ear while noise is defined as a sound that creates a jarring or an unpleasant effect.

Sound is Produced by a Vibrating Body

Sound is produced when an object vibrates. These vibrations cause the surrounding particles of the medium (air, water, or solids) to move back and forth, creating sound waves. As these sound waves travel through the medium, they reach our ears, and we perceive them as sound. For example, when you pluck a guitar string, it vibrates and creates a sound that you can hear. In essence, all sounds originate from some form of vibration.

Sound Produced by Humans

  • Humans produce sound through the vibration of the vocal cords located in the larynx (voice box).

  • When air from the lungs passes through the vocal cords, they vibrate and create sound.

  • The pitch of the sound changes depending on how tight or loose the vocal cords are.

  • The sound produced is then modified by the mouth, tongue, and lips to form speech or different sounds.

  • The volume of the sound depends on the force of the air expelled from the lungs.

Sound Needs a Medium for Propagation

Sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or solids, for its propagation because it travels in the form of mechanical waves. These waves are created by the vibration of particles in the medium, which transfer the sound energy from one particle to another. Without a medium, like in a vacuum where there are no particles to vibrate, sound cannot travel. This is why sound can be heard through air, water, or solids, but not in outer space, where there is no medium for the sound waves to move through. The speed of sound also varies depending on the medium, with sound travelling faster through solids due to the denser arrangement of particles.

We Hear Sound Through Our Ears

  • Sound waves enter the outer ear and travel through the ear canal.

  • The sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate.

  • Vibrations are passed to three tiny bones in the middle ear (hammer, anvil, and stirrup), which amplify the sound.

  • These vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea in the inner ear.

  • The cochlea converts the vibrations into electrical signals.

  • These signals are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve, allowing us to hear and interpret the sound.

Amplitude, Period, and Frequency of a Vibration

  • Amplitude: is defined as the maximum extent of vibrations produced by any vibrating body from its mean position. An example of amplitude is how much a radio wave moves back and forth.

  • Period: One completed to-and-fro movement of the pendulum from its mean position is known as an oscillation. The total time taken by the vibrating particle to complete one oscillation is known as the period.

  • Frequency: Frequency is the number of vibrations or cycles that occur in one second. It is measured in Hertz (Hz). Higher frequency results in a higher-pitched sound, while lower frequency leads to a lower-pitched sound. The frequency is inversely related to the period.

Audible and Inaudible Sounds

There are two distinct types of sound-

a. Inaudible Sound: Inaudible sounds have a frequency above 20,000 Hz or below 20 Hz. An average human ear cannot hear a sound within this frequency level.

  • Low-frequency sounds that remain inaudible to the human ear are known as Infrasonics.

  • High-frequency sounds that remain inaudible to the human ear are known as Ultrasonics.

b. Audible Sound: The audible sounds are vibrations whose frequency lies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). The human ear can hear this frequency level.

Noise and Music

  • Noise: Noise is an irregular and unpleasant sound produced by random vibrations. It lacks harmony and rhythm, making it uncomfortable to listen to. Examples of noise include traffic sounds, loud machinery, and construction sounds. Noise is generally unwanted and can cause stress or hearing damage with prolonged exposure.

  • Music: Music is a pleasant, organised, and harmonious sound created by regular vibrations. It has rhythm, melody, and harmony, making it enjoyable to listen to. Examples include songs, instrumental tunes, and symphonies. Music is often used for relaxation, entertainment, and emotional expression.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution refers to excessive or harmful levels of unwanted sound in the environment. It occurs when the level of noise exceeds the acceptable limit, leading to negative effects on human health and the environment.

  • Sources: Common sources of noise pollution include traffic, industrial activities, construction work, loudspeakers, and household appliances.

  • Effects on Health: Prolonged exposure to noise pollution can lead to various health issues such as hearing loss, stress, sleep disturbances, high blood pressure, and reduced concentration.

  • Environmental Impact: Noise pollution can disrupt wildlife, causing changes in animal behaviour and communication, and even affecting ecosystems.

  • Prevention: Noise pollution can be reduced by using soundproofing materials, planting trees, regulating noise levels in urban areas, and spreading awareness about its harmful effects.

What are the Harms of Noise Pollution?

The harms of Noise Pollution are:

  • Hearing Loss: Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause permanent hearing damage or loss.

  • Stress and Anxiety: Constant noise can lead to increased stress levels and anxiety, affecting mental health.

  • Sleep Disturbances: Noise pollution can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and reduced productivity.

  • High Blood Pressure: Long-term exposure to high levels of noise can contribute to elevated blood pressure and cardiovascular issues.

  • Reduced Concentration: Noise can hinder focus and concentration, affecting learning and work efficiency.

  • Impact on Wildlife: Noise pollution can disturb animal behaviour, affecting their communication, reproduction, and survival.

Measures to Limit Noise Pollution

  • Install soundproof materials in buildings and workplaces to reduce noise transmission.

  • Restrict the use of loudspeakers and amplifiers in public areas, especially during night hours.

  • Implement strict noise standards for vehicles and promote the use of quieter engines and mufflers.

  • Plant trees as natural sound barriers to absorb and reduce noise levels in urban areas.

  • Designate specific zones for industrial activities away from residential areas.

  • Raise public awareness about the harmful effects of noise pollution and promote responsible noise-reducing behaviours.

Characteristics of Sound

There are three primary characteristics of sound:

a. Loudness: Loudness is a sensation produced in ears that enables individuals to distinguish between a faint and loud sound. If the amplitude of vibrations is larger, the sound produced will be more audible. Loudness is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of a wave.

b. Pitch: Pitch is a characteristic of sound that enables individuals to distinguish a soft sound and a shrill sound. The higher the frequency of vibrations, the higher would be the pitch and shrillness.

c. Quality: Quality is a characteristic of sound which enables individuals to distinguish the musical sounds emitted by different voices or musical instruments, even though they possess the same loudness and pitch.

5 Important Topics of Science Class 8 Chapter 10 You Shouldn’t Miss!


Important Topics for Sound


Production of Sound


Propagation of Sound in Different Mediums


Types of Sound Waves (Longitudinal and Transverse)


Amplitude, Frequency, and Pitch of Sound


Echo and Reverberation

Importance of Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes

  • They explain the concept of sound in simple language, making it easier for students to understand how sound is produced and travels through different mediums.

  • The notes highlight key concepts like amplitude, frequency, and pitch, helping students understand the factors that affect sound.

  • They provide clear explanations of practical applications of sound, such as echoes and sound measurement, making the topic more relatable.

  • These notes assist in exam preparation by summarising important topics and examples, helping students revise efficiently.

  • They encourage students to connect scientific concepts of sound to real-life experiences, improving their understanding and performance in exams.

Tips for Learning the Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Sound

  • Understand how sound is produced by vibrating objects and how it travels through different mediums like air, water, and solids.

  • Focus on key terms like amplitude, frequency, and pitch, and learn how they affect the loudness and tone of sound.

  • Study the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves, and relate them to sound waves for better understanding.

  • Practice drawing diagrams of sound waves and labelling their parts to visualise concepts like wavelength and frequency.

  • Learn about the practical applications of sound, such as echoes and reverberation, and how they are used in real life (e.g., sonar).

  • Summarise the key points in your own words for quick revision before exams.


The Revision Notes for Class 8 Science Chapter 10, "Sound," provide a clear and simple explanation of the concept of sound and its properties. The Notes cover key topics such as the production of sound, types of sound waves, and how sound travels through different mediums. Sound Class 8 Notes help students understand how sound works in various situations and its importance in real-life applications. They are a valuable resource for exam preparation, ensuring students grasp the essential concepts and perform well in their exams.

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FAQs on Sound Class 8 Notes: CBSE Science Chapter 10

1. Define Waves and Enlist the Types of Waves according to Chapter 10 Sound Class 8 Notes.

Ans: Waves are sound produced by vibrating objects and travel from one place to another in the form of waves. Mechanical waves travel through a material medium and are of two types, depending on the wave propagation and the direction of motion of the particle of the medium:

Transverse Wave: is a wave where the particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of the wave motion - for example, light.

Longitudinal Wave: is a wave where the particles of the medium travel parallel to the wave motion direction through the means of rarefaction or successive compression - for example, a slinky.

2. Define Noise Pollution and State the Measures to Control Noise Pollution.

Ans: Noise pollution is defined as any disturbing noise that harms or interferes with human lives or wildlife. Although Noise pollution is continuously around us, it receives less attention than the other environmental pollution.

Methods to Prevent Noise Pollution:

  • Noise pollution can cause hypertension, hearing impairment, and sleeplessness; therefore, installation of vinyl, carpets, or rugs, or acoustic foam panels or noise-reducing insulation and glass will help the conditions.

  • Another way to reduce or prevent escalating noise pollution is by placing furniture next to walls or by covering windows with heavy drapes.

  • Finally, planting of trees along roads can also reduce noise pollution.

3. What is the speed of sound in Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes?

Sound travels faster in denser and more elastic mediums, such as solids and liquids than in less dense and less elastic mediums, such as gases.

4. What is the SI unit of sound in Chapter 10 Sound Class 8 Notes?

SI unit of sound is decibel (dB)

5. How does sound travel as explained in Chapter 10 Sound Class 8 Notes?

Sound travels through vibrations in a medium, such as air or water.

6. What are the properties of sound in Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes Of CBSE?

Sound has four main properties: wavelength, Amplitude, Frequency, Time period and Velocity.

7. How do Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes help in exam preparation?

Class 8 Science Notes summarise key points in an easy-to-understand way. They make it simpler for students to revise important concepts before exams. Class 8 Sound Notes focuses on core topics to ensure students are well-prepared. With Chapter 10 Sound Class 8 Notes, students can perform better in their exams.

8. Are the Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes aligned with the CBSE syllabus?

Yes, Sound Chapter Class 8 Notes follow the latest CBSE syllabus. All key topics are covered thoroughly to ensure students stay on track with the curriculum. Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes include everything required for exams. Class 8 Sound Notes make exam preparation more organised and effective.

9. Can I download the Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes in PDF format?

Yes, Chapter 10 Sound Class 8 Notes are available in PDF format. You can download Class 8 Sound Notes for FREE and study offline anytime. Sound Chapter Class 8 Notes in PDF format make it convenient to access the content.

10. Are the notes useful for quick revision before exams?

Yes, Chapter 10 Sound Class 8 Notes are well-organised for quick revision. Class 8 Sound Notes simplify concepts to help students review them quickly before exams. With Sound Chapter Class 8 Notes, students can easily recall key points and perform well.

11. Do the notes cover practical examples related to sound?

Yes, Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes include practical examples for better understanding. Class 8 Sound Notes help students relate sound concepts to real-life situations. Sound Chapter Class 8 Notes explain applications like echoes and sonar.

12. Can these notes be used for self-study?

Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Notes are perfect for self-study. The Class 8 Sound Notes are written in simple language, making them easy to follow. With Sound Chapter Class 8 Notes, students can study independently and at their own pace.