RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-21 Collection and Organisation of Data (Mean, Median and Mode) (Ex 21B) Exercise 21.2 - Free PDF
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-21 Collection and Organisation of Data (Mean, Median and Mode) (Ex 21B) Exercise 21.2
1. What is collection and organization of data ?
Data is everywhere around us, the whole task is to make it usable. For this purpose students of class 7 have a chapter in their mathematics syllabus. Collection of data is the process of gathering and measuring information on diverse topics which enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes which is the very first step. The second step in the study related to data is organization of data which is all about categorizing and classifying data to make it more usable.
2. Why should students learn about collection and organization of data ?
Students of class 7 enter into their secondary education which gives them an idea about various subjects which can be pursued in their further education as well for research purposes. Therefore Collection and organization of data is included in their curriculum to let them know about the basics of statistics. In fact, statistics is such a subject which is used everywhere, for instance CGPA is an example. Hence students should know the basics of this chapter which is used in day to day life.
3. Where can I find solutions for class 7 collection and organization of data?
Collection and organization of data is a chapter in class 7 is a chapter primarily focused on collection of data and organizing it to make it understandable. Vedantu is a platform which aims at making students well prepared for the final exams and therefore it provides answers to all the questions of previous year question papers obtained from expert teachers in the subject which can be downloaded either through the app or website.
4. How to score well in collection and organization of data ?
Students face little confusion in collection and organization of data as this chapter is primarily focused on collection of data and organizing it to make it understandable. due to the similar formulas. So, students need to pay attention to the minute differences in using the formulas and solving the problems.This can be done in an effective manner if planned on a daily basis with proper notes. At Vedantu, we provide students with adequate study material and notes which helps them grasp and retain the concepts for a longer period of time. To find notes, visit Vedantu app or website.
5. Where can I find notes for class 7 collection and organization of data ?
Collection and organization of data is very interesting and which the majority of students enjoy doing. Also it has a lot of practical applications that become one of the reasons to score well in this chapter. Students. At Vedantu, we provide students with adequate study material and notes which makes it not only easier but also interesting to the students and helps them grasp and retain the concepts for a longer period of time. To find notes, visit Vedantu app or website.