RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-3 Decimals (Ex 3B) Exercise 3.2 - Free PDF
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-3 Decimals (Ex 3B) Exercise 3.2
1. What are Decimals in simple terms?
Decimals are the numbers used in everyday life. We use them to count money, measure our weight and height, time, temperature, and speed.
Decimals can be expressed in many different ways. You can write a decimal as a fraction or as a dot - "." form. You can also represent it with a circle or percentage. Here are some examples: 0.3, 0.08333, 30% and .3.
Decimals are a way of writing numbers in a base-ten system. In a base-ten system, there are 10 digits: 0-9. (The term "decimal" is derived from the Latin word "Decimus," which means "tenth."). Decimals are very similar to fractions in that they are both representations of parts of a whole.
2. What is a Non-Decimal Number?
A non-decimal number is any real number that cannot be expressed as a fraction. A number without a decimal point is called a whole number. Whole numbers can be positive or negative. Whole numbers do not have any fractional part. Examples of whole numbers are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and -5.
3. Why is the Decimal number system important?
A decimal number system is one of the most convenient methods of numbers used in our daily life, which is largely used for precision. It is extensively used in arithmetic calculations that are used to separate the whole part from the fractional part. The decimal point can be placed at any position in a number. Such a position is called a decimal place (or significant or integer part). The fractional part is the number that we see after the decimal point.
4. Who is the father of decimals in Mathematics?
Archimedes invented the decimal positional system between c. 287–212 BCE, was a polyMath: he contributed to the fields of Mathematics, physics, and engineering. He is also referred to as the father of Mathematics and is credited with inventing various machines.
5. How do I read the Decimal Numbers?
The first digit to the left of the decimal point is called the “tens” digit. The next one over is called the “ones” digit. The final two digits to the right are called the “tenths” digit and the “hundredths” digit respectively. And the decimal point, which is represented by a period sign — we'd say it "and" that separates the whole number from the fractional part of that number, which is represented by a series of digits with values 0-9.
In the decimal system, numbers are written as a sequence of digits. For example,
1.21 = one and twenty-one hundredths
0.008 = eight thousandths
The decimal point divides between the whole and fractional parts of a number, as in:
1.2 = one and two tenths
4.5 = four and five-tenths
8.27 = eight and twenty-seven hundredths