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RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials


Vedantu’s Chapter 3 Factorisation of Polynomials RS Aggarwal’s Solutions for Class 9

The RS Aggarwal Maths Class 9 Solutions Chapter 3 is concerned with Factorisation of Polynomials. This chapter comprises several exercises consisting of the following exercise questions:

  • Exercise 3A or 3.1 comprises 34 solved questions which are based on concepts regarding Factorisation and Factor.

  • Exercise 3B or 3.2 comprises 40 solved questions which entirely focuses on the methods of Factorisation.

  • Exercise 3C or 3.3 comprises 66 solved questions that discuss the problems based on Factorisation by taking out the common factor. 

  • Exercise 3D or 3.4 comprises seven solved questions that discuss the problem of Factorisation of quadratic trinomials, Factorisation by grouping, and Factoring the difference of two squares.

  • Exercise 3E or 3.5 comprises ten solved questions which focus on the square of a trinomial.

  • Exercise 3F or 3.6 comprises 38 solved questions which deal with the idea - cube of a binomial concept.

  • Exercise 3G or 3.7 comprises 25 solved questions that discuss the topic - Factorisation of a sum or difference of cubes.

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RS Aggarwal Class 9 Chapter 3 Factorisation of Polynomials

It is often seen that students have a fear of Maths right from the lower classes. But ever guessed why this has happened with only the subject Maths? It is because no proper training or explanation is provided to students which will make them fall in love with Maths. With the help of RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials, we at Vedantu try to give the easiest of easy explanations that will make sure that the students love the chapter without even having to practice very hard. Have doubts as to how you can find an RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials and how you can access it, well here is a detailed guide on the same!


Benefits of using RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials:

Vedantu provides a detailed explanation in RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials which helps the students understand various concepts and get good marks. While it is sure that students have prepared for the exam, the fear of the exam still lingers.

In order to help overcome this, Vedantu provides the RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials which is a compilation provided by experts and one that allows you to achieve your goals.

Class 9 RS Aggarwal Maths Chapter 3 Solution is a viable and legitimate source of reference which provides elementary knowledge and a thorough comprehension of the chapter- Factorisation of Polynomials. The Class 9 Maths RS Aggarwal Chapter 3 plays a crucial role during the preparation or revision process:

  • The Class 9 RS Aggarwal Solutions presents an alternative and highly interactive supplement that backs up students' studies.

  • Through the exercise questions' continual practice and holding a brief analysis of the solutions, students can easily adapt problem-solving abilities to intercept the problems.

  • The Class 9 RS Aggarwal Maths Chapter 3 Solutions presents the chapter in a detailed step-by-step format. The solutions offer all the solved exercise questions logically as per the CBSE Class 9 Maths Textbooks or NCERT Textbooks.

  • The RS Aggarwal Solutions offers the solved exercise questions in a simple, accurate, understandable, and easy-to-read language for students to understand during preparation or revision.

  • By referencing the solutions, students develop an understanding and adopt the precise method of solving the respective exercise questions.


Preparation Tips

  • Students preparing for their annual examinations must thoroughly comprehend the significant definitions and knowledge of the basic concepts.

  • Students must understand the logic and reasoning behind the concepts enlisted in the RS Aggarwal Maths Class 9 Solutions Chapter 3 over blind memorisation of the numerical.

  • The most effective approach that enhances the preparation or revision process is memorizing all the essential formulas and concepts and writing them down in the best possible way to remember better.

  • Students must also account for all the formulas related to Factorisation of Polynomials and try to remember them all through written practice.

  • An easy way to study the chapter Factorisation of Polynomials is to start with easy guesses, then take a look at the highest and lowest terms for guidance, and finally, apply synthetic division.



The Factorisation of Polynomials Class 9 RS Aggarwal is a condensed and simple solution that Mathematics students should consider during their preparation or revision process. The RS Aggarwal Solutions offer step-by-step explanations of the chapter Factorisation of Polynomials and a detailed brief of the solved exercise questions for students to comprehend easily

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FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials

1. How many days will it take to complete the Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials with the help of RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials?

It is entirely dependent on each of the student’s capabilities. Some of the students might take only 3 days to finish off the Chapter 3 Factorisation of Polynomials with the help of RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials by Vedantu however some might need more days or even a month to complete the topic. It all depends on the grasping capacity of the student as well. The understanding of each student is different and hence making sure you plan accordingly is a must.

2. I am having a class test on the Chapter 3 Factorisation of Polynomials. Will RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials help me prepare for the same?

Yes with the help of RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials you can now prepare for your Class test. Even if it might be a simple test to just check your abilities you can still ace the test with the help of RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials or by accessing the Vedantu NCERT Maths Class 9 Solutions. This however will need you to understand what are the concepts mentioned and what is the application of each concept. The understanding of the same is only possible if you practice them well.

3. What all are mentioned in the RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials?

There are a number of topics that are of an importance which is mentioned in the RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials and can be given as follows:

  1. Factor theorem

  2. Concept of factorisation

  3. Methods of factorization

  4. Factorisation of quadratic trinomials

  5. Identity

  6. Few algebraic identities

  7. Polynomials and its factorization

  8. Constants

  9. Variables

  10. Coefficients

  11. Polynomial degree in one variable

  12. Factoring a sum of cubes

  13. Factoring a difference of cubes

4. Are there any previous years’ papers on the RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials that will help apply the concepts?

Yes, there are a number of previous years’ papers that help students practise the concepts they have just understood. Making sure you go through the concepts and completely understand them is important before jumping on to practising the questions from the previous years’ papers. You should also practice it in such a way as if you are actually giving a test. This will improve your thinking skills provided in a limited time period. It also helps with time management which is an important skill in every exam.

5. In what order do I need to study in order to understand Chapter 3 Factorisation of Polynomials?

There is a specific order which you can follow to get the complete idea of both the chapter and the concepts that are mentioned in the chapter and the order can be provided as follows:

1. Attending your lectures:

You must attend your class in which most of the concepts are explained this helps understand them easily when you read it on your own.

2. Solve the exercises provided in the textbook:

Now refer to the RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-3 Factorisation of Polynomials and try solving the exercises once by looking at the solutions and once on your own.

3. Solve previous years’ papers:

This will help understand the additional examples and types of questions that are asked which will help in further application of the concepts just learned.