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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 EVS with Solution 2024-25

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 EVS with Solution - Free PDF Download

The students of Class 3 can start learning and understanding slowly. However, they need more practice to get a strong foundation and sound knowledge in environmental science. CBSE sample papers for Class 3 EVS available on Vedantu can help students in getting enough practice. Also, these question papers are helpful for parents to assess their children before going to the examination.

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Importance of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 EVS Free PDF

Environment Science is a subject that will help you to know about the importance of the environment. It provides you with information on how human activities are adversely affecting the environment and what you should do to protect our environment. The word environment is derived from the French word environment that means encircle or surrounding. Environment is a complex of many variables that surrounds man and other living organisms. It is the basic science that deals with our surroundings, about our earth and daily activities that are taking place in our surroundings . So, it is necessary to have  knowledge about this subject as well as our surroundings.

Environmental science emerged from the field of natural history and medicines during the enlightenment. This branch of science has three main goals that are to learn how the natural world works, to understand how humans interact with the environment and to find ways to deal with the environmental problems and live a more sustainable life.

Importance of the Environmental Science Subject

  • Environment Science is a very important topic that needs to be discussed well by us and our coming generations. Following are some points that will tell you about the importance of Environmental Science.

  • The study helps the individual to understand about the natural disasters and their consequences and pollution and measures to minimize the effect of pollution on our environment.

  • This subject will help you to use the theoretical knowledge into practice and thus save our environment.

  • It will enable an individual to know about the alternate response to environmental issues before deciding an alternative course of action.

  • It provides us with the knowledge about biodiversity and different species along with the effect of pollution and human activities on this biodiversity.

Preparation using the Sample Papers of EVS provided by Vedantu

There are various benefits when you prepare a subject using the sample papers. Below mentioned are the few points that will explain to you the importance of solving sample papers before an exam.

  • It will help students in time management as they will be able to manage their time and thus can attempt their exam in a good way resulting in them having good scores.

  • It will provide students with the knowledge about the pattern of the exams and the kind of questions that can be asked , thus they will have a high chance to score good.

  • Sometimes questions are repeated and if you will solve the sample papers there are high chances that you will score good.

  • Solving sample papers will boost your confidence and will help you to do self assessment thus it is necessary for you to solve sample papers before giving the exam.

FAQs on CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 EVS with Solution 2024-25

1. Why should we take care of our environment?

A clean environment is necessary for healthy living. The more we do not care about the environment the more it will become contaminated and toxic for us and that will have an adverse effect on our health.

2. What does the term ‘Environmental care’ mean?

Environmental care works to protect the environment and environmental sustainability by increasing awareness of the efficient use of natural resources by supporting tree plantations, water conservation, and the use of recycled products.

3. How can we protect our environment?

Reduce, reuse and recycle. Conserve water, shop wisely, use long lasting bulbs, plant trees and so on. These are the various steps one can take to protect our dear environment. The whole objective of the EVS subject is to create awareness among the students regarding the environment.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store. 

4. What influence does the environment have on human beings?

The environment has a great influence on your mood. Many research studies have proved that spending time with the environment can improve your mood and can even cure depression and it can improve  agitation and anxiety. It can improve your sleep also.

5. What are the targets of Environmental Conservation?

The main target of Environmental conservation is to protect the environment and conserve the resources so that our future generation and biodiversity do not suffer.